
unsystematic adj.無系統的,不規則的;無組織的。adv.-ical...


Although marketing theory and concept have been put into practice , these banks are still far lagging behind in marketing concept , marketing mechanism and the employ of marketing strategies and means , compared with their experienced foreign counterparts . the manifestation of such gaps includes the weak awareness of overall marketing , the imperfect marketing organization and mechanism , the lack of a uniform strategic planning and a definite marketing positioning , the immaturity of true r & d mechanism and market pricing mechanism for financial products , the unsystematic use of promotion means , the unsatisfactory effects of mix policies used , the inefficiency and irrational structure of distribution channels , the imperfect distribution technology , the imperfect information system and the incompetence of marketing team 近幾年來,實踐中雖然已經引入了營銷理論和觀念,但是跟國外先進銀行相比,在營銷觀念、機制和營銷策略、手段運用方面總體上還尚存在較大差距,主要表現在整體營銷意識不強;營銷組織和機制不健全;缺乏統一的戰略規劃和明確的市場定位;尚未形成真正的金融產品研發機制和市場定價機制;在促銷手段的運用上較為零散,對組合策略運用效果不勝理想;分銷渠道效能較低,結構不合理,技術上有待于提高完善;信息系統不夠完善;營銷隊伍素質有待進一步提高等等。

The problems mainly lie in that the previous research mainly focuses on the relation between education and life , especially on that between teaching and life , but little on the connection between moral and life or moral education and life , due to the failure to realize that life is more important for moral education . even if there are some , they are sporadic and unsystematic . most of the studies remain superficial without a radical transformation of the angle , let alone the construction of a theoretical model of moral education based on life to be put into practice 但綜觀已有的研究,至少在理論上還存在以下幾個方面的問題:以往的研究主要是就教育、尤其是教學和生活間的關系進行的,很少正面闡述道德、道德教育和生活的聯系,而生活對于道德教育來說有著更為重要的意義;即便對于道德教育和生活的關系的探討,也主要還是零散的、缺乏系統深入的思考,大多數仍然停留在問題的表層,談不上研究視角的根本轉換,更談不上在理論上構建以生活為基礎的道德教育模式并轉化為相應的實踐。

The eleven years “ practice proves that the single , unsystematic securities tax system with stamp duty as its main part , as a product of immature securities market has exposed its deficiencies and is not adaptable to the development of securities market . for example , the stamp duty has many deficiencies such as its law basis is not enough , levy scale is narrow and limited , tax rate is irrational , the regulation that whom income belongs to is unclear , and levy scale is overlapped with inheritance tax 十一年來的實踐證明,這種在我國證券市場發育不成熟的條件下出臺的以證券交易印花稅為主體的證券稅制,己不適應證券市場發展的需要,暴露出越來越多的缺陷,例如就證券交易印花稅而言,就存在法律依據不足、征稅范圍過窄、稅率設置不合理、收入歸屬的規定不明確以及征稅范圍和遺產與贈與稅存有交叉等問題。

So it provides another road of increasing boorish income , at the sam e time the futures market can get a full development . in the score of which i can research , i find many specialists scholars have put forward the idea on the subject , but most of which are scattered and unsystematic , i put forward my own idea after referring to this document . the thesis is based on the work of these specialists 在能搜索到的范圍內,我看到了很多的專家、學者提出了有關這方面的觀點,但都比較零散,不成系統,本文在充分參考了這些文獻后提出自己的觀點,可以說本文的形成在很大程度上是建立在這些專家、學者工作的基礎上的,在此我衷心的表示感謝。

The method that the traditional system integration method applies will result in disorder and unsystematic data flow style in the function subsystem , so data quality of service is difficult to be sure ; also the following shortcomings such as single node failure and data communication bottleneck are very easy to lead to normal data communication among subsystems failure , in the same time the reliability of integration system ca n ' t be confirmed 這種考慮問題方式帶來的直接后果是:首先系統中的數據類型雜亂無章,無法滿足功能子系統對數據服務質量的要求;其次單節點網關不能有效解決單一故障點及通訊信息瓶頸等問題,使集成子系統之間正常的數據通訊受到威脅,集成系統正常工作的可靠性無法得到保障。

The examination and approval system of fdi admittance do good to establishing impartial market order . part focuses on the construction of china ' s legal system concerning fdi admittance . china ' s present legal system concerning fdi admittance is disorderly , unsystematic , and in conflict with each other 外資待遇就是外資及其投資者在東道國所具有的法律地位,即享受權利和承擔義務的情況,明確了外資在東道國的法律地位、權利義務的標準、投資及其收益等管理的維護程度。

As to the current status of the city construction together with its research , scholars put forward merely odd , unsystematic theories related to the city administration and city power institution as well as the combination of each other , so we must ponder over the city construction and administration as a huge system engineered by the point of view of the dialectical materialist 而從我國城市建設及其研究現狀來說,雖然學者們提出了有關城市管理、城市政權機構、城市政權和城市政府行政管理相結合等理論,但僅局限于零星的、不系統的研究,因而我們必須用唯物辨證的觀點去思考城市建設與管理這一巨大的系統工程。

Chapter four control the stock investment risk , aims at the different types of risks discussed above , has constructed a systematic scheme to control the investment risk effectively . firstly , it utilizes basic analytic approach , the technological analytic approach and index system of the risk measurement to control individual stock ' s unsystematic risks in minimum ; secondly , it uses modern investment theory to dispel the unsystematic risks through combination investment . finally , our country should introduce the stock price index futures and so on in good time , utilize stock price index futures to hedge the stock portfolio and control the systematic risks of the stock portfolio , thus can finally realize the effective systematic controls on stock investment 第四章“證券投資風險的控制” ,針對前面討論的不同種類的風險,構造k碩士學位論文物篇夕m引皿’ s ” l ” i壓引s一了個有效控制投資風險的系統方案:首先,利用基本分析法、技術分析法和風險度量指標體系,將單個證券的非系統性風險控制在最小;其次,利用現代投資理論,通過組合投資來消除非系統性風險;最后,我國應適時推出股票指數期貨等衍生余融工具,利用股指期貨對證券組合進行套期保值,就能控制證券組合的系統性風險,最終實現對證券投資風險的有效系統控制。

While the practical methods , say , the evaluating systems in citic industrial bank and china industrial and commercial bank ( cicb ) , are illogical and unsystematic . therefore , we are eager for a scientific and practical evalution syetem of bank ' s operational performance . based on the analysis of the relevant studies , this thesis puts forward the principles for the evaluation system and sets up a three - level model for evaluation 本論文以商業銀行經營“流動性、安全性、盈利性”三性原則和企業價值最大化理論為理論基礎,通過對國內外銀行業績評價的理論研究和實際應用的分析和借鑒,提出了建立評價體系的原則,進而運用層次分析法構造出具體的評價模型和公式,再用這個評價模型和公式來分析評價具體的商業銀行。

This article proceeds with the meaning and classification of the stock investment risk , divides stock investment risk into the systematic risk and unsystematic risk . then discuss the questions of measuring on different stock risks such as individual stock and stock portfolio separately , and apply some measuring methods to stock market of china , attempt to construct the index system of risk measurement standard , and take the corresponding measures to realize the effective control on stock investment risk 本文從證券投資風險的涵義及分類入手,將證券投資風險分為系統性風險和非系統性風險,分別討論單個證券以及組合證券不同性質風險的度量問題,并將一些度量方法應用于中國證券市場進行檢驗,試圖構造風險度量的指標體系,并采取相應措施,以實現對證券投資風險的有效控制。

This paper categorizes the fragmentary and unsystematic information theoretically , and conforms such issues as the legitimacy of limited liability , value judgment , external risk controversy and analysis each of them individually with a view that it would be helpful to the construction of limited liability system in china 摘要將零星的、缺乏系統的信息從理論上加以分類,按問題整合為有限責任的正當性問題、價值評判、外部風險論爭、效率之爭,并對其逐一予以分析,以期對我國的有限責任制度建設有所幫助。

Chapter one : concept of stock investment risk discusses the meaning and classification of the stock investment risk . classification that this article pays close attention to are things according to different nature and whether they could be dispersed or not , divides stock investment risk into the systematic risk and unsystematic risk 第一章“證券投資風險的概念” ,討論了證券投資風險的涵義及分類,而本文關注的分類是根據其性質不同以及能否分散,將證券投資風險分為系統性風險和非系統性風險。

Chapter three the positive research of our country ' s stock market that utilizes the risk measurement index , uses the index and method about measurement of risk which discussed in chapter two , has carried on the positive research to the investment risk of china ' s stock market , and draws two conclusions : first , decentralized investment really can reduce unsystematic risk , dispel over 90 % unsystematic risk when the number of stocks are about 10 ; second , when general trend of events downwards , choose stock portfolio with low value , can reduce investment risk of stock portfolio effectively 第三章“我國證券市場利用風險度量指標的實證研究” ,用第二章中討論的有關風險度量的指標和方法,對中國證券市場的投資風險進行了實證研究,并得出兩個結論:一是分散化投資確能降低非系統性風險,當組合股票數為大約10只時已消除超過90的非系統性風險;二是當股市大勢向下時,選擇值較低的投資組合,可以有效降低證券組合的投資風險。

The dissertation systematically lays out the western related studies on advertising cultural criticism , summarizes china ' s study on advertising culture in the history and at present , and it points out that , since this study initiated relatively late in china , those occasional statements taken from this or that western theory are usually unsystematic , dispersive , and chaotic , and that china ' s domestic study on advertising culture has its own special features but is not put in theoretical system 本文系統梳理了西方廣告文化批判的相關研究,總結了中國廣告文化研究的歷史和現狀,指出中國廣告文化研究起步較晚,擷取某種西方理論觀點的偶發式論述往往呈現非系統、彌散和混亂的狀態。認為本土化的中國廣告文化研究頗具特色,但不系統,缺乏理論深度。

In order to change the current situation in teaching essay writing in normal schools , without planning , disorderly , not rationally and unsystematic , based on years “ teaching practice and research , the author has created the “ sihua “ training system ( sts ) , which is accumulating extensively , conceiving orderly , writing in a personal way , accessing multiply 為改變中等師范學校目前供材料議論文教學中較為嚴重地存在無計劃、無序列、不科學、不系統的現狀,本人在自己多年的教學實踐和科研成果的基礎上,構建了一套較為科學有序而完整的訓練體系,即“四化”訓練體系。所謂“四化”訓練,是指積累的廣泛化訓練、構思的序列化訓練、創作的個性化訓練、批改的多樣化訓練。

The damage causes according to the preliminary analysis are as follows : shortage of experience in domestic production ; too many and unsystematic manufacturing plant ; big differences of quality between products ; some manufacturing plants without production license ; one - sided understanding of the elastic metal plastic tile ; unlimited application of acting boundary lubrication as normal working conditions ; etc 初步分析損壞的原因是:國內生產的彈性金屬塑料瓦在一開始缺乏經驗;生產廠家多而雜,產品質量良莠差異很大;有些廠家技術沒有過關就盲目組織生產;對彈性金屬塑料瓦的認識和宣傳片面,把邊界潤滑當作正常工況不加限制地應用等。

The first part will set up four portfolio optimal models on base of whether the transaction is considered or not . the second part will go on discussing the single - index model . the first chart is the preface , mainly introducing some definitions such as systematic risk , unsystematic risk , kuen - tucker conditions and short selling 本文第一章是引言部分,主要介紹系統風險、非系統風險、庫恩塔克條件、賣空等相關的定義,然后給出證券組合投資中最基礎的markowits均值方差模型及指數模型,并且得到:在n種證券給定以后,這n個證券組合的最低風險也就隨之確定。

With these years “ further acquaintance of the soul of this very subject and the higher requirements of all accomplishments , men are appealing more and more to chinese teaching to strenghen sentiments training . but the fact is that little research has been done and chinese teachers have been practisingthis training mainly on the experience level and that the theory on this subject still remains unsystematic and fragmentary . so this essay aims at perfecting this theory by means of combining theory and practice , hoping to set up a rather systematic theory on how to perform emotion training in everyday comprehension teaching , to propose a feasible method , based on analysis of some specific examples , and to supply a referrence both in theory and practice for the present chinese language teaching in middle school . in this essay , the author analyses the present condition of training sentiments in actual teaching , exposes the intension of sentiments and sentiments training , sums up theories and successful experiences from ancient to present home and abroad , gives some methods and means for sentiments training through teaching 可是在這方面的研究卻顯得不足,廣大語文教師的實踐在很大程度上仍停留在經驗的層次,理論較為零碎、不系統。本論文力圖從理論和實踐相結合的角度,對語文情感培養的理論加以整合,建構在中學語文閱讀教學中進行情感培養的較為系統的理論體系,并在具體的課堂實例分析的基礎上,提出較為貼近教學實際的情感培養的方法,給當前中學語文教學從理論到實踐提供一些較為有益的借鑒。論文首先分析了語文教學中情感培養的現狀,接著闡釋了情感和情感培養的內涵,然后在歸納總結了古今中外情感培養的理論和實踐成功經驗的基礎上,提出了我們當前語文教學中情感培養的方法和途徑,并用名師名家較為成功的課堂實例進行解說剖析,通過理論和實踐相結合的方式,給教學第一線的語文教師提供了可資借鑒的理論與方法。

However , we should not neglect a detail that the images have been placed along the timeline in a disorderly and unsystematic way : from the egyptian pyramid to the head of george washington , various images of people and events of all ages are put together in pell - mell ( at least seemingly so ) 但同樣不應當忽視的一個細節是,時間軸中的影像是零散無規律的,古埃及的金字塔、華盛頓的頭像、古往今來各種各樣的人和事被混亂(至少貌似混亂)地擺放在一起。