
unsuspecting adj.1.不懷疑的;不猜疑的;相信的。2.沒有料想到…...


Three days later , while all of them were still in pain , two of jacob ' s sons , simeon and levi , dinah ' s brothers , took their swords and attacked the unsuspecting city , killing every male 25到第三天、眾人正在疼痛的時候、雅各的兩個兒子、就是底拿的哥哥、西緬和利未、各拿刀劍、趁著眾人想不到的時候、來到城中、把一切男丁都殺了。

Government buildings , temples and many residential neighborhoods of new delhi are overrun by an army of macaques . the monkeys scare passers - by , and occasionally bite or snatch food from unsuspecting visitors 新德里的政府大樓、寺廟與許多住宅區都遭大批獼猴蹂躪。這些猴子驚嚇行人,偶爾還會冷不防的從游客那里咬走或搶奪食物。

The boys procured some twine and borrowed a lure from their unsuspecting father , a three - inch metal spoon which they attached upside down and then threw into the water a few yards behind their boat 男孩們取得了些細繩并從他們那將信將疑的父親處借到了一些餌料,他們用餌料包裹一塊三英寸長的金屬勺并把它投入船后幾碼外的水中。

An unsuspecting university professor is an unwitting accomplice in a foiled mexican cocaine deal . wrongly imprisoned , he escapes to take his revenge and prove his innocence . 劇情:在阻止一件墨西哥可卡因的交易當中,一位不可疑的大學教授不知覺地做了同犯.結果錯誤地監禁,他逃獄是為了采取他的復仇和證明他的無罪。

While the other team is distracted with killing you , your own team can take the opportunity to drop damage on an unsuspecting target and relieve pressure from you at the same time 當對方氣急敗壞恨不能要將你撕成碎片時,這就是你的隊友抓住一個心浮氣躁的小子并把他狂扁一頓的好機會,同時這也減輕了你身上的壓力。

An unsuspecting university professor is an unwitting accomplice in a foiled mexican cocaine deal . wrongly imprisoned , he escapes to take his revenge and prove his innocence . 在阻止一件墨西哥可卡因的交易當中,一位不可疑的大學教授不知覺地做了同犯.結果錯誤地監禁,他逃獄是為了采取他的復仇和證明他的無罪。

For example , an unsuspecting user could receive e - mail with a link in it that , when clicked , invokes the web service on behalf of the user using parameters supplied in the e - mail 例如,受信任的用戶可能會接收到帶有某個鏈接的電子郵件,當單擊該鏈接時,將使用電子郵件提供的參數代表用戶調用該web服務。

Frequently , products made from their fur are deliberately mislabeled as other species ' fur and exported to the united states to be sold to unsuspecting consumers in retail stores 通常,由貓狗皮毛之作而成的商品都被故意貼成是“其他皮毛”的標簽,并運送到美國的各大商店出售給那些毫無懷疑之心的顧客。

The post , which dates back to the 1700s , means the couple are responsible for rounding up any loose pigs in town . the title is usually given to an unsuspecting newcomer each year 對上任后的蘇努努夫婦而言,只要當地有豬掙脫了主人的束縛,那他們就有義務把那些動物找到并將其重新驅趕回豬圈內。

For too many times , an unsuspecting rabbit would be hop , hop , hopping around what looked like an old tree log when , suddenly , the log would come to life in the form of a hungry crocodile 很多時候,兔子就在一根老原木的旁邊毫無防備地跳來跳去,這時候, “原木“突然就變成了一只饑餓的鱷魚。

The transceivers , which relay lowpower radio waves above the heads of unsuspecting pedestrians , are part of a highspeed wireless network called ricochet 那些收發器是彈跳高速無線網路的組件,紐約市路燈桿與電線桿上一共裝了3000個,它們在行人頭上傳遞低功率無線電波,沒有人察覺過。

A deep - sea viperfish shows of its sharp nashers as it swims along and looks for an unsuspecting four course meal for its dinner “請注視我的眼睛、深深地注視我又大又黑的眼睛… … ” ,這種片腳甲殼類海洋生物有著驚人的外貌,它的發現體現了澳大利亞深海動物的多樣性。

“ millions of phishing e - mails are sent out worldwide by criminals every day with the aim of duping unsuspecting members of the public , “ an hkma spokesperson said 金管局發言人表示:全球各地每日都有過百萬這類的虛假電郵,互聯網使用者稍不留神便會墮入騙局。

The code may be planted when an unsuspecting user clicks on hyperlinks embedded in e - mails or browses an infected website with pop - up advertisements 用戶無意中點擊電子郵件內的超連結,或瀏覽已受感染而附有突現式廣告的網站,其電腦便可能被植入這種程式。

When you get there , you will find an unsuspecting people and a spacious land that god has put into your hands , a land that lacks nothing whatever . 10你們到了那里,必看見安居無慮的民,地也寬闊。神已將那地交在你們手中。那地百物俱全,一無所缺。

Now the aliens launch a genocidal war against an unsuspecting earth , using their ability to take over human bodies to allow them to move freely 地球上的槍炮炸藥對他們都無濟于事,一艘英國裝甲戰艦雖然與他們英勇奮戰,結果還是化為一團火焰。

What jake vig doesn t know just might get him killed . a sharp and polished grifter , jake has just swindled thousands of dollars from the unsuspecting 英俊不凡騙術高明的積克剛與同黨騙取了一筆巨款,點知惹禍上身,原來系黑手黨大王的黑錢。

You could throw a switch diverting it to a siding , but an equally unsuspecting man is standing there and the train will kill him instead 你可以扳動一根變軌開關,將電車轉移到一側,在那里站著的是一位同樣不知情的人,而列車則會將他壓死。

Gideon went up by the way of those who lived in tents on the east of nobah and jogbehah , and attacked the camp when the camp was unsuspecting 士8 : 11基甸就由挪巴和約比哈東邊、從住帳棚人的路上去、殺敗了米甸人的軍兵因為他們坦然無懼。