
unsuited adj.不適宜的;不適當的,不合適的 (for; to)...


The major cause of these problems is the unsuited shares structure and the percent of state - owned shares is overmuch , fail to establishment good the supervisory mechanism after decomposed these problems , the article analyze some principles that the good corporation governance must be had , and put forward some settlement methods against the conditions of our country 這些問題極大地阻礙了我國證券市場的健康發展,而產生這些問題的主要原因就是我國上市公司股權結構的不合理,國有股一股獨大,未能建立起良好的監督機制。在剖析這些問題后,文章分析了良好的公司治理結構所必須具備的一些原則,并針對我國的國情,提出了一些解決辦法。

Such as against the unsuited shares structure put forward to adjust the share structure of listed companies through to sell parts of state - owned shares to corporative encourage strategic investment person entrance at the same time still put forward to reform the state - owned property management system and reform board of directors and supervisor system etc , the construction of independence director ' s system should be strengthened in the suggestion , cancels board of supervisors when the condition ageing 例如針對股權結構不合理,提出通過向一般法人出售國有股權、鼓勵戰略投資者進入等方式來逐步調整上市公司的股權結構;同時還提出改革國有資產管理體制、改革現有的董事會和監事會制度等方法,建議應加強獨立董事制度的建設,并且在條件成熟時取消監事會,建立起一元化的公司治理結構。

Never existed before challenge has been run into in management of police staff and workers “ of lu nan prison in the progressive course of development , and personnel recruit and the unsuited rational faculty disposing , develops and regulating and control exposes out increasingly to management of police staff and workers “ face obsoletely system and increasingly society environment that the development changes , and police staff and workers hang down satisfied degree , and zeal is not high , needs not to get satisfys , especially police staff and workers procures the not standard , gives police staff and workers in prison manages the person who creates huge difficulty , has become restricts the key factor of prison development advance 監獄作為一個特殊的組織形式,肩負著懲罰教育罪犯的繁重任務,勞動改造是改造罪犯的主要手段,開展生產經營活動是發展監獄事業的一條重要途徑。面對陳舊的干警職工管理體制和日益發展變化的社會環境,魯南監獄在發展進步過程中干警職工管理遇到了前所未有的挑戰,人員招募、配置、開發和調控的不合理性日益暴露出來,干警職工滿意度低,積極性不高,需要得不到滿足,干警職工管理過程中遇到的這些問題,已成為制約監獄發展進步的關鍵因素。

If the citizen gives the person that have symptom of contagion of similar respiratory tract , answer to see a doctor in time to the hospital ; do not go or go less ventilated and undesirable public activity , should not take children to arrive particularly congested is public ; want seasonable have an inoculation to shed cerebral vaccine ; the bedroom should open a window ventilated , often had used the disinfection such as oxygen second acid ; want nurturance individual ' s favorable healthy action , drink water more at ordinary times , eat fresh vegetable and fruit to wait more ; had contacted the person of patient drifting a head closely , can use sulphur amine medicaments to prevent . 6 kinds of people are unsuited vaccinal vaccine drifting a head 1 市民如出現有類似呼吸道傳染病癥狀者,應及時到醫院就診;不去或少去通風不良的公共場所活動,非凡不要帶兒童到擁擠的公共場所;要及時接種流腦疫苗;居室要開窗通風,并經常用過氧乙酸等消毒;要養成個人良好的健康行為,平時多喝水,多吃新鮮蔬菜和水果等;密切接觸過流腦病人的人,可采用磺胺類藥物預防。

If we should use “ protracted defensive warfare on interior lines “ as the principle for campaigns and battles too , as we did at the beginning of the war of resistance , it would be totally unsuited to the circumstances in which the enemy is small while we are big and the enemy is strong while we are weak ; in that case we could never achieve our strategic objective of a protracted war and we would be defeated by the enemy 如果戰役和戰斗方針也同樣是“內線的持久的防御戰” ,例如抗戰初起時期之所為,那就完全不適合敵小我大、敵強我弱這兩種情況,那就決然達不到戰略目的,達不到總的持久戰,而將為敵人所擊敗。

The wireless and mobile self - organized network ( ad hoc ) is one kind of multi - hop and wireless network , which is of the characteristic of self - organize , multi - hop routing and dynamic topology and can be applied in circumstance , unsuited to construct base station or access point , such as flooding area , landform reconnaissance , mobile office , outdoors activity and airport lobby and so on 無線移動自組織網絡( adhoc )是一種無線的多跳網絡,具有自組織、多跳路由和動態拓撲等特點,可應用于抗洪搶險的地區、地形勘測、移動辦公、大型戶外活動和機場大廳等不適于建立基站或接入點的場所。

In the late 60s of 20th century , the western countries began entering information society . with the acceleration of economic globalization , and differentiation of the social structure and demand , the form of government organization , which used to have large scale complex administrative levels and boring procedure , and adapted to the industrialized ages , now more and more unsuited for the development of situation 20世紀60年代末,西方工業化國家開始進入信息化社會,經濟全球化趨勢進一步加快,社會結構和需求日益分化,使原有的規模龐大、層級復雜、程序繁瑣、與工業化時代相適應的政府組織形式越來越不適應形勢發展的需要。

In 1823 , the dutch governor v . d . capellen issued a colonial order under which all tin mines were turned into dutch colonial enterprises . it also ended a debate which had lasted for several decades over whether or not to follow the american model of using negro slaves to excavate the tin mines . an unwritten rule that chinese labourers should work the mines because local indonesian natives were unsuited for heavy labour was propagated 發布了對錫礦開采和貿易的殖民化命令,所有的錫礦變成了荷殖企業,從而長達幾十年“用黑人奴隸開礦的美國模式”的辯論終告結束,出臺了“本地土人不適于重體力勞動,應由中國勞工進行開礦”的不成文規定。

As to the basalt rock tunnel excavation , the gronlund shape is alright , the second shape is wedge - pentagon shape and the diamond shape is unsuited for basalt rock . through the analysis of experimental data and the results of explosion , the explosion rate is up to 85 % 對于玄武巖通過實驗結果和數據統計分析,得到gronlund (即變五星)掏槽比較適合于玄武巖巖石巷道掘進,其次是楔形+五星掏槽,而菱形掏槽在玄武巖中不適宜, gronlund (即變五星)掏槽形式其爆破效率達到85 %以上。

In this dissertation , the author first introduces the state of the art of the current firewall technology , and analyzes its limitations and drawbacks unsuited to the changing network environment in detail . then , aimming at the above discussion , puts forward a new firewall architecture based on the protected host , and gives its detailed implementing policy 本文針對局部網絡面臨的安全問題,首先介紹了現有防火墻技術的發展現狀,詳細分析了在發展變化的網絡環境下現有防火墻技術存在的不足。然后,提出了一種基于主機防護策略的防火墻體系結構和思想,并給出了其詳細的思想闡述。

It ' s considered that the only child juvenile delinquency tends to have more wicked property and the increasing crime rate , and the instrument of only child juvenile delinquency tends to be adult - alike , intellectualized , in team work and with younger ages . it deeply explores the subjective and object reasons for the only child delinquency . the subject reason is including devoid of correct philosophy and value of life , too strong self - centralized consciousness and dependency , lack of self - supporting , legal idea and social communication ability and not knowing how to choose friends etc . the objective reason is that the unsuited environment and misplay of scholastic and family education , ill influence by the community and so on 本文首先從犯罪的主體、犯罪的客體、犯罪的主觀方面和犯罪的客觀方面闡述了獨生子女犯罪的構成;接著分析了我國獨生子女犯罪的現狀及其危害性,認為我國當前獨生子女犯罪呈現犯罪性質惡劣,重大刑事犯罪率上升,犯罪手段成人化、智能化,犯罪方式團伙化,犯罪年齡低齡化等特點,闡述了獨生子女犯罪對獨生子女自身、家庭、同輩群體以及社會的危害;然后深入地剖析了我國獨生子女犯罪的主要主客觀原因,認為主觀原因包括缺乏正確的人生觀、價值觀,自我中心意識強,感情脆弱,依賴性強,生活自理能力差,法制觀念淡薄,人際交往能力差,擇友不慎等方面;獨生子女犯罪的客觀原因有不良的社會環境,學校教育的失誤,家庭教育的失當,社區環境的影響等。

For precise conversion of force into pressure the force must act vertically and centred on the piston which must not be subject to lateral forces . the load cells are unsuited , or suited only to a limited extent , to the measurement of impact or acceleration 從壓力到壓強的精確轉換要求力垂直集中作用在活塞上,同時活塞也不能受側向力影響。在測量沖撞和加速運動時,測壓元件只在有限范圍內適用或不適用。

It is mixing machine - readable information rather directly into a human - readable format html , and , in fact , into a portion of the format comments that is especially unsuited to machine - readable bits )所指出的那樣,它正在將機器可讀信息( rdf )直接混入人類可讀格式( html ) ,而且事實上混入特別不適于機器可讀位的那部分格式(注釋) 。

For another , among military commanders , there also is a widespread conviction that women are psychologically unsuited for combat , that they lack aggressiveness and are far more emotional than men 其二,許多軍官都堅信,婦女在心理上也不適應戰斗,她們缺乏進攻性,而且往往比男的更傾向于感情用事。

The man notices that he cannot wear slipper , knickers , vest when summer , even go into battle stripped to the waist , shoe of recreational outfit , sportswear , travel is unsuited at the office 男士在夏天時注重不能穿拖鞋、短褲、背心,甚至赤膊上陣,休閑裝、運動裝、旅游鞋不適宜于辦公室。

Have a lot perhaps , but you also can don ' t necessarily once say one at that time perfect , so can match . be unsuited to . run its course . with meet but anne 也許有很多,但你一時也未必能說過一個完美的,所以只能合則來.不合則去.順其自然.隨遇而安。

But currently , the facilities according to the related laws , is already serious unsuited the need of city space development 而目前,城市居住區規劃所依據的“設計規范”等相關法規,已經嚴重滯后于城市居住空間發展的需求。

America s immigration system is also outdated - - unsuited to the needs of our economy and to the values of our country 美國的移民制度也已經過時,既不能滿足我們的經濟需求,也不符合我們的價值觀念。

The load cells are unsuited , or suited only to a limited extent , to the measurement of impact or acceleration 在測量沖撞和加速運動時,測壓元件只在有限范圍內適用或不適用。