
unspent adj.沒有用完的,未耗盡的。


The unspent amount i . e . entitlement minus incurred where the employer has operated a satisfactory system of control over actual spending of the benefit granted . in other words , where the entitlement granted passed to the employee has not been fully spent , the employer and the employee should report the amount unspent 如雇主對旅游福利實際支出的內部監管妥善,但納稅人應得的旅費或旅游度假券多于他她的實際旅程費用,雇主和雇員須填報差額即員工應得的數額減去旅費實際支出。

There is an unspent amount in respect of the entitlement to the holiday warrant or passage where the employer has operated a satisfactory system of control over actual spending of the benefit granted 如雇主對旅游福利實際支出的內部監管妥善,但納稅人應得的旅費或旅游度假券多于他她的實際旅程費用。

At the end of a cycle , a child may carry forward to the next cycle any unspent balance of the allowance , subject to a maximum equivalent to the child s total entitlement for that cycle 在周期終結時,每名子女帳戶的馀額可撥入下一個周期,但最高不得超過該名子女在該

A large share of tax revenues has been transferred to local authorities , though so far with disappointing results : much has either been misspent or gone unspent 稅收收入的一大部分轉給了地方政府,盡管到目前為止的結果令人失望:大部分不是被胡亂花掉就是不翼而飛。

And with so much of its 75 billion rupee fund unspent , india ' s government is drafting proposals to subsidise the provision of broadband to every village 印度政府擁有750億盧比未予花銷,目前正在草擬計劃準備向所有村莊提供寬帶業務。

Whatever unspent household income on each and every day could be utilised for reducing the loan principal and paying interest 每日帳戶內未動用的家庭收入都可以用作減低貸款本金及支付的利息。

If it is not possible to do so , the candidate must give the unspent or excess donation to a charitable institution 假如未能這樣做,則候選人必須將未使用或超額的部分給予慈善機構

Next year , though , americans are expected to save more than one percent of unspent earnings 明年,盡管美國人期望儲蓄比收入贏余多一個百分點。

And still there was a large portion of the four hundred and twenty dollars unspent 那四百二十元還剩下很多,這叫他傷了好一會兒腦筋。

Unspent balance of 2 , 000 should be reported by the employer in item 11 of i . r . 56b , 未用的2 , 000 ,雇主須在以下項目作出申報:

Unspent savings left in the account will be passed on to the surviving family (三)如供款人去世,戶口的結馀將轉交遺屬。

The project must return any unspent balance of the approved fund 答f5受資助者必須退還獲批撥款中的未用馀額。

Unspent leave passage allowance 未動用的度假旅費津貼