
unsophisticated adj.1.不老練的;單純的,思想不復雜的,天真爛漫的。...


The sunshine city restaurant , with the refined , simple - unsophisticated and eupoean palace style , assembles the cuisines and food of south and north . with the special flavor snacks , it is the ideal place for friends and relatives together 陽光城美食府格調古樸典雅,歐陸宮廷風范南北各菜薈萃佳肴云集。各地特色風味小食琳瑯滿目,品種隨季而換,是家庭聚會友人把酒暢談的理想場地。

The overall mood of the design is unsophisticated with a dramatic merger with the surrounding high - rise buildings by the structural elements of a mini - cascade and a diagonal wooden arbour running across the plot as a controlling framework for the randomness planting 在巧妙的布局下,四周的高樓大廈與園內的瀑布水池和木花棚,不但沒有格格不入之感,反而出奇地融為一體。

Regarded as the settlement of tujia and miao nationality , western hunan showed simple and unsophisticated , magical and unique historical site remains , national culture with deep accumulation and unique striking folk custom art form 湖南西部作為土家族、苗族的聚居地,擁有古樸濃郁的民俗風情、神奇獨特的古跡遺存,積淀了深厚的民族文化和獨具魅力的民俗藝術形式。

Deep was my gratification to find i had really a place in their unsophisticated hearts : i promised them that never a week should pass in future that i did not visit them , and give them an hour s teaching in their school 我發現自己確實已在她們純撲的心靈中占據了一個位置,我深為滿意。我答應以后每周都去看她們,在學校中給她們上一小時課。

It has the unsophisticated scent and feeling of natural wood . and its special and ruleless grain shows the wonderful charm of art , providing people a natural environment and artistic circumstance 具有木材的自然淳樸香味、質感強烈、特殊而無定律的天然紋理具有出神入化而又巧奪天工的藝術魅力,能給人帶來回歸自然的原始心動和美的藝術享受!

Though unsophisticated in the usual sense , she was not incomplete ; and it would have denoted deficiency of womanhood if she had not instinctively known what an argument lies in propinquity 雖然一般說來她不通世故人情,但也不是一個智力不全的人要是她不能從本能上知道親密地生活在一起的力量,那就是說她沒有資格做女人了。

During the visiting to the earth building , both foreigners and domestic travelers can feel straightforwardness , alacrity and hospitality of the hakkas who are as simple and unsophisticated as laterite 去“土樓”旅游,無論是外國人,還是國內的人都能感受到土樓客家人的粗獷豪爽,熱情好客,他們就像紅土地一般厚實、淳樸。

The unique style of these high , heavy , unsophisticated and imposing human habitations have always been a wonder to tourists . most of the earth buildings are either circular or quadrangular 在山坳平川河畔,環環相依方圓結合錯落有致景色優美的土樓,其高大厚重粗獷雄偉的獨特風格,令人驚嘆不已。

But even a relatively unsophisticated servlet such as this can be very useful in multilingual environments - and can serve as a good demonstration of the power of the instant messaging spi 但這種不太復雜的servlet在多語言環境中可能很有用,可以作為instant messaging spi強大功能的一個例證。

Here was carrie , in the beginning poor , unsophisticated , emotional ; responding with desire to everything most lovely in life , yet finding herself turned as by a wall 這里有一個嘉莉,起初是貧窮的單純的多情的。她對人生每一種最可愛的東西都會產生欲望,可是卻發現自己像是被擯在了墻外。

On the other hand , despite a rolling programme of deregulation in the late 1990s , tokyo ' s financial markets remain parochial and unsophisticated (但是)另一方面,拋開二十世紀九十年代末出現的反復無常經濟起伏狀況(金融危機造成) ,東京的金融市場仍具有其狹小性和單純性。

Optimists say citi ' s small size in these markets gives it more room to grow , especially as its main competitors are relatively unsophisticated local banks 樂觀主義者認為,花旗在這些市場的較小規模也意味著較多的成長空間,特別是它的主要競爭對手是業務相對簡單的本地銀行。

Unsophisticated , pure and simple , that is how experiences of truth , virtue and beauty are expressed in the diverse artistic and musical creations of supreme master ching hai 大人者,不失其赤子之心,質樸純真簡單的真善美經驗,盡呈現在無上師的各項藝術與音樂創作中。

Desiring the happiness of others not from the obligation of fearing the happiness of others not from the obligation of fearing hell or desiring heaven : but for pure , simple , unsophisticated virtue 不是因為怕下地獄或升天堂而為他人求得幸福,而是出于純樸無華的美德。

There is probably a great deal of truth in the assertion that unecrupulous brokers are salivating at the thought of unsophisticated investors entering the securities market 斷言不道德的經紀人想到沒有經驗的投資者進入股票市場就垂涎三尺可能有一定的道理。

E , whose soul seemed centred in the business of the stage , like all unsophisticated natures , delighted in whatever addressed itself to the eye or ear 海黛完全被舞臺上的表演吸引住了。象所有那些天性純潔的人一樣,她對于無論什么可看可聽的東西很感興趣的。

More than 30 institutes are distributed in each position of the university city , the simple and unsophisticated , serious , refined institute building is the rarity of oxford 三十多所學院分布在大學城的各個方位,古樸、莊重、典雅的學院建筑是牛津城的瑰寶。

This narrowing of focus has given individuals easy access to sectors , such as gold and private equity , that were hard for the unsophisticated investor to reach 這種目標壓縮可以使個人投資者更容易接近新手難以觸摸的特殊領域,比如黃金和私人股本。

We hope the unsophisticated folkway , the beautiful natural environment and the hospitable people of deqing may arouse your interest to pay deqing a visit 優美的景色,諄樸的民風,好客的德清人民歡迎您來旅游、觀光、作客。