
unshapely adj.不好看的,樣子不好的;不勻稱的;畸形的。


So , when he saw the gangs of unshapely men lounging by his ornamental waters - not in the private part of the park , no , he drew the line there - he would say : the miners are perhaps not so ornamental as deer , but they are far more profitable 所以,當他看見一君君的檻樓的工人到他的水池邊閑逛時一自然不能進到他的私人花園里面,這幾是有個界限的一他便要說: “礦工們也許不象鹿子那樣可以點綴園景,但是他們比鹿子是有利得多了。 ”

In comparison , villetta ' s legs look unnaturally straight , unrealistic , and while extremely long , rather unshapely 對比中我們看到,維蕾塔得腿看起來不合乎自然規律地直,極端地長卻毫無真實性可言,更顯得奇形怪狀。