
unshackled adj.被解去枷鎖的;不受束縛的。


Sir william lucas had been formerly in trade in meryton , where he had made a tolerable fortune and risen to the honour of knighthood by an address to the king during his mayoralty . the distinction had perhaps been felt too strongly . it had given him a disgust to his business and to his residence in a small market town ; and quitting them both , he had removed with his family to a house about a mile from meryton , denominated from that period lucas lodge , where he could think with pleasure of his own importance , and , unshackled by business , occupy himself solely in being civil to all the world 爵士從前是在麥里屯做生意起家發跡的,曾在當市長的任內上書皇上,獲得了一個爵士頭銜這個顯要的身份使他覺得太榮幸,從此他就討厭做生意,討厭住在一個小鎮上,于是歇了生意,告別小鎮,帶著家屬遷到那離開麥里屯大約一英里路的一幢房子里去住,從那時候起就把那地方叫做盧家莊。

Scholarship support from the crows nest club is an important means of helping children continue their education and build toward a future unshackled by poverty 烏鴉巢扶輪社所提供的獎學金是幫助兒童繼續接受教育,并為一個不受貧窮桎梏的未來做準備的主要工具。

It has lowered trade barriers and tax rates , broken state monopolies , unshackled industry , encouraged competition , and opened up to the rest of the world 它減少貿易壁壘,降低稅率,打破國家壟斷,解放工業,鼓勵競爭,向全世界開放。

When he died less than six years later , she moved on unshackled to become one of new york ' s most beloved philanthropists and socialites 在她丈夫過世不到六年時,她不費吹灰之力地成為紐約最受歡迎的慈善家和社交名流。