
unseen adj.1.看不見的。2.未被看到的。3.未見過的。4....


They watch their borders , and no one moves on their lands unseen 他們守護著邊界,沒有人可以進入他們的領地而不被發現。

What is this unseen flame of darkness whose sparks are the stars 1這個以繁星為其火花的看不見的火焰,到底是什么呢?

To heal your unseen wounds 治愈您無形創傷。

Do i take time to explore whatever unseen , spiritual realms call to me 我是否愿意花時間探索無形的精神領域的呼喚?

Forced not to show the things that i know , all of the flaws i keep unseen 強迫自己別表現出那些不想被看見的裂痕。

You can ' t expect me to buy such an expensive place sight unseen 你不能指望我未經查看就買這樣一塊價格昂貴的地方。

What is this unseen flame of darkness whose sparks are the stars 這以繁星為其火花的隱形的黑暗火焰究竟是什么呢?

Until recently black holes remained unseen in the depths of space 直到最近,黑洞仍隱藏在宇宙深處而不為人所知。

Reporter - - - you mean jesus healed your servant sight unseen 記者你既意思系,耶穌以遙控方式醫好你個工人?

Light on river is breaking fireworks . it is unseen by others 河面搖溢的燈影如煙火綻放。如此而已,無人看見。

What is this unseen flame of darkness whose sparks are the stars 之火焰,以繁星為其火花的,到底是什么呢?

We ' ll never get through unseen 我們不可能隱身穿過去

Never , under any circumstances , accept work sight unseen 十八、在任何情況下,永遠記得:不要隔山買黃牛。

It is not the lofty sails but the unseen wind that moves the ship 推動船的不是高大的帆,而是無形的風。

Love is a fire which burns unseen 愛情是無形燃燒的火焰。

Here one could wander unseen “謝謝你,先生,對不起給你”

P > love is a fire which burns unseen 愛情是無形燃燒的火焰。

We stumble when we hit our feet against unseen objects 我們用腳碰到未看見的物體即為“ stumble ” 。

While you live in safety , consider unseen dangers 居安應思危。