
unscrupulous adj.毫無顧忌的;不擇手段的;無所不為的;肆無忌憚的;...


For the rumor mongers , we are taking legal actions and shall fully cooperate with police and inspection agencies to bring the unscrupulous persons to court 對造謠者,我公司將采取法律行動并與警檢單位全面配合冀能盡快將不法之徒繩之以法。

Lady luck giveth and taketh away as he marries into a casino empire , only to find his high ethical standards sorely tested by an unscrupulous colleague 這部王晶自選的最愛,創造了劉德華從影以來,第一個奸角或陰奸劉德華的形容詞的角色。

This , says david hodson , a specialist in international divorce law , favours the “ wealthier , more aggressive , more unscrupulous party ” 一名跨國離婚法專家大衛?霍德森說,這對“更有錢、更好斗、更沒有道德廉恥的一方”更有利。

Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion , rejected by the hearts and minds of men 貪得無厭的貨幣兌換商的種種行徑將受到輿論法庭的起訴,將受到人類心靈理智的唾棄。

Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion , rejected by the hearts and minds of men 貪得無厭的錢商們在輿論的法庭上被宣告有罪,是為人類思想感情上所厭棄的。

It was “ the least of the great powers , “ frustratingly unpredictable and unscrupulous in the eyes of its neighbors 它是“大國中最小的一個” ,在其鄰國心目中,它令人失望地使人捉摸不透,并且寡廉鮮恥。

Sanctions will also be taken by the government against unscrupulous employers who are found to have breached the conditions of the scheme 如發現有無良雇主違反計劃的條件,政府會對他們作出制裁。

For a little money cleverly bestowed , any unscrupulous person can be given a puff in some newspaper in the country 在那個國家,只要巧妙地花點錢,任何無恥之徒都可以在某家報紙上得到一番吹捧。

The punishment of supposedly unscrupulous businessmen who profit from people ' s misfortunes will probably be the next step 據傳對那些從百姓苦難中牟利的無德商人的懲罰措施即將執行。

I know he s been a street fakir when he was down . unscrupulous . rob a corpse of a shroud - anything 我知道他倒霉的時候在街上擺過攤,什么都滿不在乎地干,連死人的尸衣也偷什么都偷。

To engage in the advancement of one ' s own interests , especially in a canny , aggressive , or unscrupulous way 那位精明的經理只有在兩方面?手段和目的?都感到完全滿意的時候,才開始行動。

Similarly , proactive measures will continue against unscrupulous debt collecting activities and illegal soccer gambling 此外,警方亦會繼續積極對付不法收數及非法賭波活動。

Strengthening the regulation of unscrupulous business practices in pay television , telecommunications and internet services 加強監管收費電視電訊及互聯網服務的不當營商行為

It protects employers from unscrupulous employees who abuse their powers for personal gain 第九條旨在保障工商機構雇主的權益,免被濫用職權、假公濟私的雇員損害公司的利益。

It protects employers from unscrupulous employees who abuse their powers for personal gain 第九條旨在保障工商機構雇主的權益,免被濫用職權假公濟私的雇員損害公司的利益。

The lower wages accepted by these illegal workers encouraged unscrupulous employers to offer them employment 這些非法勞工要求的工資較低,促使無良雇主聘請他們工作。

Q : will there be a hostile timer so you won ' t get killed instantly by unscrupulous script users 將會有敵對計時器使玩家在變為敵對狀態后不能馬上殺死其他敵對玩家嗎?

He urged the government to speed up laws against unscrupulous operators to better protect elderly 他促請政府盡早立法,懲治卑劣的(安老院)經營者,以保障老人。

Without doubt , restricting the controling shareholders “ unscrupulous behaviour is a very important one 但規范控制股東的恣意行為,無疑是一個極重要的方面。