
unsatisfied adj.未滿足的;不滿意的。


In the sixth part of this paper , some problems left in the two methods are discussed , which make these methods still unsatisfied in some aspects 由于理論計算上的某些不足以及實際情況的千差萬別,在方法上還存在一些不足之處,本文第六部分對此進行了有益的探討。

The unsatisfied yearning of the artist reaches back to the primordial image in the unconscious which is best fitted to compensate the inadequacy and one - sidedness of the present 藝術家未被滿足的向往觸及到潛意識中的原始表象? ?它最適合于補償現實的不足與偏僻。

When we dream , it means that our daytime struggles come to a halt and the toxic gases can be released , or our unsatisfied desires are realized 作夢的時候,意思就是說我們白天掙扎的方面休息了,然后那種毒氣就會排出去,或是我們沒有辦法滿足的那種祈求會實現。

Complaints : unsatisfied formal written or oral statement to the certification service or personnel of icas and the client and products of certification of icas 2投訴:對英格爾的認證服務或人員、英格爾認證的客戶、產品的不滿意的正式書面或口頭聲明。

Together we prove that generalized paramodulation is generalized complete when used with generalized resolution for e - unsatisfied clause set 接著給出廣義調解的有效性證明,然后證明廣義調解和廣義歸結的聯合使用對e -恒假的子句集是廣義完備的。

We used anisotropic diffusion to improve the serrated edge effect and the unsatisfied visual result of traditional image defectors 摘要提出了一種改進的自適應插值算法,以改善傳統圖像傳感器圖像色調變化幅度過大,圖像視覺效果不理想等問題。

This study suggested that designers should redesign those symbols unsatisfied with iso standards or easily confused with other symbols 本研究建議符號標志的設計者需要對于識認率低于67的符號標志及容易造成混淆情形的符號標志做重新設計。

These three questions above , ultimately , lead the poor performance in logistics processes include , high cost , low efficiency and unsatisfied service quality , etc 最終導致物流過程中普遍存在成本高、效率低、服務質量差等問題。

Respect customer : thanks you to our deep affection , if you have any to us not to be unsatisfied or to have any opinion and the suggestion 尊敬的客戶:感謝您對我們的厚愛,如果你對我們有什么不滿意或什么意見和建議,請與我們聯系。

Do you spend a great amount of time on planning , writing and editing the paperwork , but you are still unsatisfied with the end product 文案制作是否花費您相當多地企劃撰寫與美編時間,但又苦于人力緊縮而無法達到符合您的要求呢?

But they have two things in common : a previously denied , hitherto unsatisfied hunger for glory , and a desire to have everything under control 但?地有一個共通點?為左滿足未曾享受到既成功感?同埋要將所有野控制系自己手中。

The last day of the year of pig 2007 . whatever lables you attach on this year , happy or unhappy , satisfied or unsatisfied . it ' s closed 豬年的最后一天。無論你為今年打上什么標簽,開心或不開心,滿意或不滿意。已經結束了。

The first story features an elderly jeweler s adventures with his unsatisfied wife , a handsome neighbor , and the neighborhood bordello 暗渡陳倉,表面上小白臉和富商老婆偷情,實則表達的是騙財和富商計中計的嫖妓計謀。

But the quality of software is unsatisfied , delayed schedule and over budgets exist in many organizations 然而軟件質量卻不能令人滿意,在很多組織中,軟件項目開發進度經常嚴重滯后、經費預算往往透支乃至翻番。

12 if you are unsatisfied with our service , you can call to complain , we will reply your appeal within the shortest time 12如果您對我們的服務不滿意,可以進行電話投訴,我們將在最短的時間之內回復您的投訴。

We are sorry and regretted that you are unsatisfied that we have not informed you of the price increment 不過是盼望你能明白的是銅價一些相關原物料實在每個月都在調漲,而我們的產品有將近5000千種有3百多位客戶

Um . . . which one should i pick ? each nest has its own advantages and disadvantages . . . can i switch to a new one if unsatisfied after trying 嗯…挑哪個好呢?每個巢看起來各有利弊…用過不滿意的話可以再換嗎?

I want to offer you my best to make you happy about my spiritual progress . but ive always been unsatisfied with myself 我希望修行能進步快一點,將最美好的自己呈現給您,讓您高興,但我總是對自己不滿意。

2 . salary , supervision , promotion and education policy have been the 4 main factors which high school teachers feel unsatisfied 工資收入、監督、晉升和教育政策是令中學教師感到不滿意的四大因素; 3