
unsaleable adj.不能出賣的;賣不掉的;沒有銷路的。


Mother grogan throws her boot at bloom . several shopkeepers from upper and lower dorset street throw objects of little or no commercial value , hambones , condensed milk tins , unsaleable cabbage , stale bread , sheeps tails , odd pieces of fat . bloom excitedly 上多爾塞特街上方和下方的幾家店的老板朝他丟一些廉價的或根本不值一文的物品:火腿骨頭煉乳罐頭賣不出去的卷心菜陳面包羊尾和肥豬肉碎片。

You can see yourselves the damaged condition and the reason why they are unsaleable 你們可以親眼看到殘損情況以及貨物無法銷售的原因。