
unsafe adj.不安全的,不安穩的,危險的。


As a woman , i feel unsafe here 作為女人,我在這里沒有安全感。

B 3 grammar extensions for unsafe code B 3不安全代碼的語法擴展

Methods , types , and code blocks can be defined as unsafe 方法、類型和可被定義為不安全的代碼塊。

We agreed with his contention that the dam was unsafe 我們贊同他的看法,也認為那座水壩不安全。

Safe and unsafe code c vs java 安全代碼與不安全的代碼( c #與java )

At least without doing some extremely unsafe operations ,至少不會執行某些非常不安全的操作。

Answer is unsafe , probe : why is it unsafe ,追問:點解唔安全?

Unsafe code has the following properties 不安全代碼具有下列屬性:

Fixed server role can create unsafe assemblies 固定服務器角色的成員才可以創建unsafe程序集。

But 29 % still believed they were unsafe 但仍有29 %的人認為不安全。

Never use unsafe code unless when using interop 除非涉及到互操作,永遠不要用不安全的代碼。

Running a system command on this item might be unsafe 在該項目中運行系統命令可能不安全。

No unsafe code can be accessed within the 中不能訪問任何不安全代碼。

You can only use unsafe buffers in an unsafe context 不安全緩沖區只能用在不安全上下文中。

Insurance reminds us that we live in an unsafe world 保險提醒我們生活在一個不安全的世界

Pointer types in an unsafe context 指針類型(在不安全的上下文中) 。

The auto - makers recalled a lot of cars that were unsafe 汽車制造商召回許多不安全的車輛。

L think it ' s time to try some unsafe velocities 我想是開快車的時候了

The makers have recalled a lot of cars that were unsafe 制造商收回了一大批不安全的汽車。