
unruffled adj.1.不騷動的,不混亂的;穩定的,沉著的,平靜的。...


One must look at the golden cabbage flowers below to see the glistening flowers welcoming the sunshine and swaying with the gentle breeze in a tender melody . thousands of flowers expose their beauty competitively with the shadowy colors of the unruffled young cabbage leaves that stretch toward the distant horizon 人們欣賞下面金色芥菜花,就會看見閃爍的花朵,迎著陽光,隨著風兒輕柔地旋律在擺動,朦朧的嫩葉延伸至遠端的地平線,成千上萬的花朵,在綠葉襯托下,競相爭妍。

There are patterns of bats homophone of blessing and happiness in mandarin , cranes symbolize longevity in chinese culture and clouds on these columns . the couplet read “ blessed the city when there is no wind and the river lays unruffled ; nourished the soldiers and civilians by the might of god and the rich resources from the river “ was written by the famous general wang , de - u of cing dynasty ,柱上刻有蝙蝠(取諧音福) 、鶴(取其長壽)及祥云圍繞,上面還刻有道光十六年丙申(西元一八三六年)水師提督王得祿敬撰的楹聯浪靜風平水陸均沾福澤,威靈赫渥軍民盡感慈庥。

He was at all times exceedingly reasonable both in restraining men from evil and in urging them to good , generous in rewarding and quick to forgive , thus making bad men good , and good men very good , and he even bore with unruffled temper the insolence of not a few 不管何時他總是非常合理地抑制邪惡的人們,并驅策他們轉向好的方面,對善舉慷慨大方,以及迅速地寬恕他人;這樣使壞的人變好,而好的人變得更好;而且他甚至以安靜的性情,不止一次地忍受傲慢無禮。

High above the unruffled mesopotamian sands of southern iraq , over the land where civilization dawned 8000 years ago , two american fighters circled like hawks in search of an elusive prey 在伊拉克南部寧靜的美索不達米亞沙漠這片年前文明初現曙光的土地上空,兩架美國戰斗機像老鷹搜尋躲藏的獵物一般盤旋著。

There is the dense atmosphere of culture in hotel , the gentler and unruffled environment , believe that the hotel will take you the feeling of family for her own refinement , comfortable and warm 賓館人文氣息濃厚,環境優雅靜謐,相信定會以她特有的精致小巧溫馨舒適給您帶來“回家”的感覺。

The recent turmoil has unruffled some investors , but industry participants say it will not derail a huge reallocation of capital to asia in coming years 近來的動蕩令部分投資者不敢輕舉妄動,但業內人士表示,這不會改變今后幾年資本大量流入亞洲的趨勢。

The train was very crowded and she had a hard time turning around to face the goat man , so the man remained very calm , unruffled , and wouldn ' t budge 車里的人很多,包子勉強轉過身去,面對著西裝筆挺的色鬼男,對方神色鎮定,態度從容,動也不動。

A traveler can ' t be brought up in the broad smooth highway ; a seaman full of valour and vigor can ' t be trained in the calm and unruffled sea 平坦的大路培養不出出色的旅行家,風平浪靜的海面鍛煉不出勇猛的水手。

Smith is unruffled by such reports and claims he is fully focused on giving his all for the team next season 史密斯對于類似的消息沒有表現出任何情緒,他只是說,他已經準備好將為球隊在下一個賽季中全力以赴。 ”

He remained as unruffled as ever , going to work in his white long - sleeved shirt and thin tie , the style of the sixties 他仍像以往那樣鎮定自若,仍然穿著他的長袖白襯衫、打著薄領帶去上班,那是60年代的款式了。

Secret of success is to be like a duck smooth and unruffled on top , but paddling furiously underneath 成功的秘訣就像鴨子上半身平靜安穩,下半身拼命劃水。

Secret of success is to be like a duck smooth and unruffled on top , but padding furiously underneath 成功的秘訣就像鴨子上半身平靜安穩,下半身拼命劃水。

Those in the middle are left unruffled , in the eye of the storm 就像在風暴中心一樣,漩渦中心的傳感器紋絲不動。

She spoke with unruffled calm 她從容不迫地講話

The river ran unruffled under the shady bank 河水在蔭岸下平靜地流著。

When coming across complicated problems , he would remain unruffled and take them calmly . 遇到復雜的問題,他總是泰然處之,沉著應付。