
unreserved adj.1.無保留的,坦白的,無隱瞞的,率直的。2.不加...


Making use of empathy techniques , they will try to invoke sympathetic exchanges between themselves and victims , so that they can further understand each other s feelings . this process involves unreserved listening , wholehearted acceptance , and complete renunciation of one s self , so as to acknowledge a catastrophe s impact on victims in terms of actions , speech and thought 乃運用同理心技能與受創者感覺互相起共鳴,并了解彼此的感受,是一種完整的傾聽完全的接納,將自己完全放下自我,全心全意去聆聽,用無我的心去接納受創的人在面臨巨變時身口意所散發出來的沖擊。

And grant , above all , such an insight into the need , into the power into the blessedness of a simple whole - hearted faith in jesus christ , and an unreserved surrender to his mastery , that their hearts may be prepared to receive him in all the fullness of his love and of his abiding presence 我們特別求你使他們能看見下面兩方面的需要:有一個對耶穌基督單純而全心的相信,并對他主權毫無保留的降服,并看見它們所帶來的能力和祝福;使他們的心準備好要接受他的愛,以及他持續同在中的一切豐盛。

The same fellow , pulling the skin with his fingers , some special knack evidently , and he laughing at a yarn . and in point of fact the young man named antonio s livid face did actually look like forced smiling and the curious effect excited the unreserved admiration of everybody , including skin - the - goat who this time stretched over 其實,那個名叫安東尼奧的小伙子的蒼白臉上倒真像是露出了不自然的微笑,這一奇怪現象博得了在場的每一個人充分的贊賞,其中包括“剝山羊皮” 。

The science team under dr li s leadership owns many patents of invention and his work earns unreserved technical support from the computation institute of the chinese academy of science , the national research center for intelligent computing systems and the national research center for high performance computers 曙光由著名計算機專家,中國科學院計算技術研究所所長李國杰博士出任董事長,其科研隊伍擁有多項發明專利,并且得到中科院計算所國家智能計算機研究開發中心及國家高性能計算機工程中心技術支持。

The science team under dr li s leadership owns many patents of invention and his work earns unreserved technical support from the computation institute of the chinese academy of science , the national research center for intelligent computing systems and the national research center for high performance computers 曙光由著名計算機專家,中國科學院計算技術研究所所長李國杰博士出任董事長,其科研隊伍擁有多項發明專利,并且得到中科院計算所、國家智能計算機研究開發中心及國家高性能計算機工程中心技術支持。

The country custom of unreserved comradeship out of doors during betrothal was the only custom she knew , and to her it had no strangeness ; though it seemed oddly anticipative to clare till he saw how normal a thing she , in common with all the other dairy - folk , regarded it 鄉村的風氣是在定婚期間,男女可以出門相互為伴,不拘形跡,這也是她唯一知道的風氣,所以在她看來沒有什么奇怪這似乎是克萊爾沒有預料到的,也感到有些奇怪,但是在他看到苔絲和所有其他的奶牛場的工人都如同尋常時,才知道她完全是一個正常的人。

“ i do not pretend to regret any thing i shall leave in hertfordshire , except your society , my dearest friend ; but we will hope at some future period , to enjoy many returns of the delightful intercourse we have known , and in the mean while may lessen the pain of separation by a very frequent and most unreserved correspondence 接下去是這樣寫的: “親愛的朋友,離開哈福德郡,除了你的友誼以外,我真是一無留戀,不過,我希望將來有一天,還是可以象過去那樣愉快地來往,并希望目前能經常通信,無話不談,以抒離悃。

In 21st century , it ' s a unreserved tendency that housing industry will develop with high speed . our country ' s leaders want to improve the living condition and the environment and quality of our houses . in the 1990 ' s , the intelligent uptown has been introduced into our country , and has enormous market all over the country 我國的住宅產業正面臨著一個高速發展時期,黨和國家領導人對住宅建設和人民居住條件改善高度重視,自從二十世紀九十年代中期智能住宅小區的概念首次在國內提出以來,各地智能小區建設和發展開始形成旺勢,智能小區物業管理就顯得格外突出和極為重要。

Therefore , we need to adopt a pragmatic and timely approach by providing all responsive strategies , proposals and measures that are necessary to relieve the economic difficulties , and to brave the challenges with unreserved determination 因此,我們應以務實的態度,因應時需,把所有可以幫助紓緩經濟困境的對應策略、方案和措施,全盤拿出來,對這場挑戰作出勇敢果斷和毫無保留的回應。

However , when he told us how a shot should be filmed , we sprang to attention . putting in our heart and soul , and every effort possible , we did our best to fulfil our duties , because director chang cheh had our unreserved respect 但當他講述鏡頭拍攝時,我們都不敢掉以輕心,更會付出百份之百的精神努力和心思,克盡己能地完成該要做的工作,因為我們對張徹導演是百份之百的尊敬。

It was understood that this learned man was the physician as well as friend of the young minister , whose health had severely suffered , of late , by his too unreserved self - sacrifice to the labours and duties of the pastoral relation 由于年輕的牧師在教會事務上過于不遺余力地盡職盡責,自我犧牲,最近健康狀況嚴重受損,因此,學者成為他的醫生和朋友,也就可以理解了。

Mr . bingley had soon made himself acquainted with all the principal people in the room ; he was lively and unreserved , danced every dance , was angry that the ball closed so early , and talked of giving one himself at netherfield 彬格萊先生很快就熟悉了全場所有的主要人物。他生氣勃勃,為人又不拘泥,每一場舞都可以少不了要跳。使他氣惱的是,舞會怎么散場得這樣早。

Developers performing unreserved checkouts , therefore , are given the flexibility of optimistic scm tools , and can access a file that may be undergoing modification , yet will also face the challenge of merging any conflicting changes when 因此,執行無限制檢驗的開發人員,將能夠更靈活的使用最有利的scm工具,可以訪問可能要被更改的文件。但同時這也使得在

“ that will account to you for the unreserved manner which you observed between me and eug nie , as in speaking of the man whom i could not love , my thoughts involuntarily reverted to him on whom my affections were fixed . “這可以向你表明為什么你能看到我和歐熱妮之間有那種坦率的態度,這是因為在談到我不愛的那個人的時候,我想到了我所愛的那個人。 ”

To groom young talents to meet the needs of economic development and enhance their employability through on - the - job training . our values are clap which signifies our unreserved support for the job - seeking youth 我們的信念由clap 4個英文字母組成,既表示我們為求職當中的青少年打氣,亦代表著:

Elizabeth soon heard from her friend ; and their correspondence was as regular and frequent as it had ever been ; that it should be equally unreserved was impossible 伊麗莎白不久就收到了她朋友的來信,從此她們倆的通信便極其正常,極其頻繁!不過,要象從前一樣地暢所欲言,毫無顧忌,那可辦不到了。

Checkout , none of the developers performing subsequent unreserved checkouts will be able to check the file in before the developer who checked out the file first 檢出,所有執行后續無限制檢驗操作的開發人員將不能在最先檢出文件的開發人員之前檢入文件。

I also owe a lot to mr law kar , programmer of the hong kong international film festival , for his unreserved advice and assistance 在此亦特別向香港國際電影節節目策劃羅卡先生致謝,他年來為大全的制作提供了不少指導性建議,令本人獲益良多。

Of course , kids also experience lows , but their delight at such peaks of pleasure as winning a race or getting a new bike is unreserved 當然,孩子也有情緒低落的時候,但他們毫不掩飾因為贏得一場比賽或得到一輛新自行車而流露出極度的快樂。