
unremarkable adj.不值得注意的;不顯著的;平凡的。


First , i did an empirical research of chinese security analysts ’ predicting ability . the sample data is a 72 weeks ( 2003 . 11 . 30 - 2005 . 6 . 17 ) stock recommendation data from the “ chinese stock newspaper ” . the results reveal that there is an remarkable positive abnormal return of the chinese analysts ’ stock recommendations before these recommendation went into public , but the abnormal return after those recommendation went into public is unremarkable or even negative 研究結果顯示,中國證券分析師推薦的股票在公開推薦以前就存在顯著的正的異常收益,反而在推薦公開以后無顯著的異常收益甚至出現負值;牛市氣氛下證券分析師推薦股票的盈利能力明顯高于熊市氣氛;券商類機構證券分析師推薦股票的異常收益明顯高于獨立咨詢機構。

Colleagues were reportedly stunned to discover that matsubayashi , an apparently unremarkable officeworker , had numerous mistresses going back over 25 years . he reportedly bought several of them expensive mercedes , one received a ? 10 , 000 kimono and he continued to pay ? 1 , 500 a month to a lover he had not seen in years 案情暴露后,松林的同事們都驚得目瞪口呆,因為他們一直覺得,平日里松林是一個很低調的人,他寡言少語,總是在公司聚會上提前離開。

Risk management is usually ignored as an unremarkable section . to tighten the risk management , the supervision unit will build up its resistance to risk , this help the cause of supervision developing rapidly ahead 風險管理是監理企業具體運作中易被忽視并且比較薄弱的環節,加強監理企業的風險管理,可以幫助監理企業增強抗御風險的能力,對企業的發展壯大有著極大的現實意義。

From a cosmic perspective , the impact of comet shoemaker - levy 9 into jupiter was unremarkable : the cratered surfaces of rocky planetary bodies and satellites already bear testimony that the solar system is a shooting gallery 從宇宙的觀點,修梅克?李維9號彗星撞擊木星是件小事:巖石態行星與衛星凹凸不平的表面,早已說明了太陽系就像個靶場。

She idled for awhile in hollywood , though , with unremarkable supporting roles in cindy crawford s debut outing , “ fair game “ 1995 , and the convicts on the run actioner “ fled “ 1996 她解釋說, “一個人事業有成的時候是不會離開的。但我相信我的直覺。 ”她的直覺后來證明是對的。

Here is a glomerulus with thickened pink capillary loops , the so - called “ wire loops “ , in a patient with lupus nephritis . the surrounding renal tubules are unremarkable 圖示狼瘡性腎炎病人腎小球,可見粉紅色濃集的毛細血管袢,所謂“電線袢” ,周圍的腎小管不明顯

That is an actor i think . her first film was , to be put mildly , unremarkable ; a supporting role as a human - machine hybrid in the 1993 cyborg ii : glass shadows 與當年以狂放不羈而著稱的戀愛過程一樣,她與比利鮑伯松頓的離婚也是那么突如其來干干脆脆。

From an unremarkable middle - class household came a mass murderer . how could this have happened , asks his grand - niece 一個殺人如麻的劊子手竟然來自一個不起眼的中產階級家庭。他的侄孫女感到疑惑:怎么會發生這樣的事情呢?

An “ unremarkable “ accountant stole ? 9 . 5 million to support 17 lovers , a court in japan heard yesterday 日本一名會計盜竊約合9500萬英鎊的保險金以包養17個情婦的案件, 3月1日在名古屋一家法院開始接受庭審。

An “ unremarkable “ accountant stole ? 9 . 5 million to support 17 lovers , a court in japan heard yesterday 日本一名會計盜竊約合9500萬英鎊的保險金以包養17個情婦的案件, 3月1日在名古屋一家法院開始接受庭審。

Hubble 12 , a seemingly unremarkable nebula of stellar appearance , was first discovered by edwin hubble in 1921 表面上看似毫不顯眼的哈勃12號星云,早于1921年已被著名天文學家艾云哈勃首先發現。

Yet 50 years ago , one of hong kong s most famous movie stars was born in just such an unremarkable fishing village 不過,可知道今天的一位荷李活巨星, 50年前就在這個小島上誕生。

Most knoppix users mention a boot - up time of under two minutes , on unremarkable hardware 大多數knoppix用戶都提到它在普通的硬件上引導時間低于兩分鐘。

He blends into the world of humans with his unremarkable appearance , but he is really aunties disciple 以平凡外表隱藏于人類世界,是姑姑的師弟。

Multi - million dollar gyms have become so common that they are unremarkable 數百萬美元的體育館變得如此司空見慣以至于它們已經不再顯眼。

They are like those dull suns which set as they have risen : they are unremarkable 她們就像某些星辰,隕落時和初升時一樣黯淡無光。

The himmlers were an unremarkable middle class household from munich 希姆萊一家是來自慕尼黑的一個不起眼的中產階級家庭。

Her past medical history was unremarkable 既往病史無特殊。

You ' re just a little and unremarkable person in the school 你只是學校里不起眼的一個小人物