
unready adj.1.沒有預備[準備]的。2.不敏捷的。3.〔古、...


Her mind grew clear and crafty . somehow a way must be found to survive after all , if only to proceed thereafter , always unsafe and unready , toward the earning of a better death 她的心智清,腦驕薏就活動了。再怎么也得想個方法活命呀,就算以前不再那么胸有成竹自以為有萬全的準備,就算以后好歹也有一死。

There we were , an unready father for an unwanted child 于是一個沒有準備的父親有了一個沒有預料的孩子

Though the south had been threatening to leave the union for ten or more years, the federal authorities were completely unready when the time came . 雖然南方不斷威脅要脫離聯幫有十多年之久,聯幫當局屆時什么準備也沒有。