
unprovided adj.1.無供給的,無生活來源的。2.未作準備的。


In the china inland mission , when the number of missionaries had gone up to 200 , at a conference held in china they felt so deeply the need of more labourers for districts quite unprovided for , that after much prayer they felt at liberty to ask god to give them within a year 100 additional labourers and ? 10 , 000 to meet the expenses 在中國的內地會中,當傳道人的數字增至二百時,在中國舉行的某次會議中他們深深的覺得需要更多的工人到偏遠地區作工,經過了多次禱告之后,他們感覺可以向神禱告在一年內再賜給他們一百個傳道人及一萬英磅以應付費用。

I had quite made up my mind that the mutineers , after their repulse of the morning , had nothing nearer their hearts than to up anchor and away to sea ; this , i thought , it would be a fine thing to prevent , and now that i had seen how they left their watchmen unprovided with a boat , i thought it might be done with little risk 我敢認定,反叛者們早晨遭到這樣的痛擊,定想及早出海。我想這樣做要是可以阻止他們逃跑,該有多好哇。看到海盜們連一只小船也沒留給守衛在大船上的人,我想這件事做起來沒多大危險。

As for the first , though we were about half a mile away , we could hear them roaring and singing late into the night ; and as for the second , the doctor staked his wig that , camped where they were in the marsh , and unprovided with remedies , the half of them would be on their backs before a week 說到前者,雖然離了有半英里遠,我們也能聽得見他們連叫帶唱直到深夜。說到后者,醫生敢拿他的假發打賭,他們在沼澤地里宿營,又缺醫少藥,不出一星期,他們就得有一半人病倒。

To return . thus it happened that when the last of tess s sovereigns had been spent she was unprovided with others to take their place , while on account of the season she found it increasingly difficult to get employment 就是在這個時候她用完了最后的一個金幣,也沒有另外的金幣來填補這些金幣的空位,而且因為季節的關系,她也發現要找到一個工作極其地困難。

It is considered that no material impairment in value of the debts unprovided for has happened and no further provision is required 在回顧年度內,集團對huffy corporation之銷售額約為1 , 100萬港元,款項已按時付清,并有保險保障。

China are now unprovided with the techniques to launch the missile to hit u2 from america 中國現在缺乏發射自己的導彈擊落美國u2偵察機的技術。