
unpromising adj.沒有希望的,前途無望的;結果未必良好的。


Armed with such an attitude , we might find the most unpromising sounding of destinations or even our own backyards , becoming no less interesting than the butterfly filled jungles of south america 具備了這樣的態度,我們也許會發現,即使是聽起來了然無趣的目的地,或者甚至是我們自家的后院,都會變得與蝴蝶漫天飛舞的南美熱帶叢林一樣趣味盎然。

Yet many people , thinking of the distant continent only as a bleak , rocky , cold and inhospitable land mass , may wonder : why all the fuss ? why protect something so unpromising 至今仍有很多人認為這塊遙遠的大陸僅僅是一大片荒涼、寒冷、巖石林立、根本無法居住的土地。他們可能很奇怪:為什么如此小題大做?為什么要保護這樣一塊毫無前途的土地

Tom arrived at home in a dreary mood , and the first thing his aunt said to him showed him that he had brought his sorrows to an unpromising market 湯姆悶悶不樂地回到家里。姨媽一見他就數落了他一通,他感到就是回家也不一定能減輕他的苦楚。

The rudest habitation , the most unpromising and scanty portion of land , in the hands of an englishman of taste , becomes a little paradise 至為粗陋之住所,或至為黯淡貧瘠之地域,若遇品性高雅之英格蘭人,則可成令人神往之天堂。

Unpromising material , but then france ' s dame or homme de fer does not need to be quite as ironclad as the former british prime minister 有形條件希望渺茫,但是這樣一來法國的鐵夫人或鐵男人卻無需像英國前首相那般強硬。

The soul forms its own horizons ; your soul is darkened , and consequently the sky of the future appears stormy and unpromising . 靈魂有它自己的視線,你的靈魂被遮住了,所以你看到的未來是黑暗險惡的。 ”

And so , after its unpromising beginning , this ends as a rather beautiful book ? about africans 就這樣,即便開頭不被看好,但終究本書不失為寫非洲人的佳作。

Sydney carton , idlest and most unpromising of men , was stryver ' s great ally 西得尼?卡爾登,最懶散和最無望的人,是史曲勒孚的大盟友。

Sydney carton , idlest and most unpromising of men , was stryver s great ally 卡爾頓是最懶惰最沒出息的人,卻是斯特萊佛最好的盟友。

Avoid : regret to loiter , bewilder to busy unpromising 自我避免:因虛度年華而悔恨,因碌碌無為而迷茫!

Sydney carton, idlest and most unpromising of men, was stryver's great ally . 西得尼卡爾登,最懶散和最無望的人,是史曲勒孚的大盟友。

Only a congenial outsider would remain with so unpromising a figure . 只有志同道合的圈外人才會同這樣一個沒有前途的人呆在一起。