
unprepossessing adj.不討人喜歡的,不吸引人的。


Madame peronsky was ready and waiting . in spite of her age and ugliness , just the same process had been going on with her as with the rostovs , not with flurry , for with her it was a matter of routine . her elderly and unprepossessing person had been also washed and scented and powdered ; she had washed as carefully behind her ears , and like the rostovs nurse , her old maid had enthusiastically admired her mistresss attire , when she came into the drawing - room in her yellow gown adorned with her badge of a maid - of - honour 雖然她衰老而且丑陋,但是她的做法卻和羅斯托夫之家一樣雖然她做起事來沒有那樣匆忙這對她來說是一樁習以為常的事,但是她那老年人的難看的身體卻也噴了香水,撲了香粉,盥洗得很干凈,耳朵背后也盡量洗得一塵不染,就像在羅斯托夫家里一樣,當她穿著一件繡有花字的黃色連衣裙走到客廳的時候,那個年老的侍女甚至也樂于欣賞她這位太太的服裝。

And so he did not like zdrzhinskys story , and did not , indeed , like zdrzhinsky himself , who had , besides his unprepossessing moustaches , a habit of bending right over into the face of the person he was speaking to . he was in their way in the cramped little shanty . rostov looked at him without speaking 因而他并不喜歡茲德爾任斯基的故事,也不喜歡茲德爾任斯基本人,這個滿臉胡子的人有個習慣,老是俯身湊近聽他說話的人的臉,在狹窄的棚子里緊挨著羅斯托夫,羅斯托夫默默地看著他。

He was a man of twenty - five or twenty - six years of age , of unprepossessing countenance , obsequious to his superiors , insolent to his subordinates ; and this , in addition to his position as responsible agent on board , which is always obnoxious to the sailors , made him as much disliked by the crew as edmond dant 他約莫有二十五六歲,天生一副對上諂媚對下輕視無禮,不討人喜歡的面孔。他在船上擔任押運員,本來就惹水手們討厭,他個人的一些作派也是惹人討厭的一個因素,船員都憎惡他,卻很愛戴愛德蒙唐太斯。

One day , jane hears a shrill , blood - curdling laugh coming from the room , but mrs . fairfax pretends that the maniacal noise was made by grace poole , a rather dumpy , unprepossessing servant 一天,簡聽見一陣令人毛骨悚然的尖笑聲,是從那個房間里傳來的。但菲爾費克斯太太佯稱這狂笑聲是格雷斯?普爾發出的,她是一個相當矮胖,不討人喜歡的仆人。

He turned his body half round , shut up his right eye completely , then he screwed his features up some way sideways and glared out into the night with an unprepossessing cast of countenance 他把身子側過來,緊緊闔上右眼,臉稍微歪扭著,然后以令人不愉快的表情瞪著夜晚的黑暗。

Mr zapatero was inexperienced , ill - prepared and unprepossessing ; he was nicknamed “ bambi ” , as he often looked like a startled fawn caught in the headlights 缺少經驗,不夠老練以及無領導風范薩帕特羅被戲稱為“小鹿斑比” ,因為聚光燈下的他總是顯得惶恐不安。

Carlet coral and the pearl from the same , unprepossessing raw material 珊瑚是一種海生圓筒狀

He was forty-five years of age, of medium height, fairly thick-set, not at all unprepossessing . 他已經45歲,中等身材,矮矮胖胖的,不完全是胸無城府的。