unperceived adj.未被發覺的,沒有給人看見[被人注意]的。
adj. 未被發覺的,沒有給人看見[被人注意]的。 “unperceptive“ 中文翻譯: 無識別力的“unpeopled“ 中文翻譯: 人口減少的; 無居民的; 無人的“unperfect“ 中文翻譯: adj. = imperfect. “unpeople“ 中文翻譯: vt. 消滅(某地)的居民,把(某地)弄成無人居住之地。 adj. -d 無居民的,無人的。 “unperforated“ 中文翻譯: 未穿孔的“unpenetrated bed“ 中文翻譯: 未穿透巖層“unperforated magnetic tape“ 中文翻譯: 無孔磁帶“unpenetrable“ 中文翻譯: 不能穿入的“unperforated tape“ 中文翻譯: 未穿孔紙帶“unpenetrability“ 中文翻譯: 無貫穿能力
unperfect |
Mr fogg had not time to stop the brave fellow , who , opening a door unperceived by the indians , succeeded in slipping under the car ; and while the struggle continued , and the balls whizzed across each other over his head , he made use of his old acrobatic experience , and with amazing agility worked his way under the cars , holding on to the chains , aiding himself by the brakes and edges of the sashes , creeping from one car to another with marvellous skill , and thus gaining the forward end of the train 斐利亞福克還沒來得及阻止,這個大膽的小伙子已經打開一個車窗溜到車廂下面去了,他沒有被西烏人看見。這時戰斗還在激烈地進行,子彈從他頭上颼颼地飛過,他運用自己馬戲團演員那一套輕巧靈活的故技,在車廂下面隱蔽前進。他攀著聯結列車的鐵鏈,踩著煞車舵盤,沿著外面車架的邊沿,巧妙地從一節車爬到另一節車,一直爬到最前面的一節車上。 |
Besides , although she avoided coming within speaking distance , valentine arranged so that maximilian could see her pass and repass , and each time she went by , she managed , unperceived by her companion , to cast an expressive look at the young man , which seemed to say , “ have patience 而且,雖然她避免來到晤談的范圍以內,瓦朗蒂娜卻做得很巧妙,可以使馬西米蘭看到她走來走去而每一次走過的時候,她總要設法趁她同伴不注意向青年投來一個情意綿綿的眼光,象是在說: “耐心一點! |
In all well - attempered governments there is nothing which should be jealously maintained than the spirit of obedience to law , more especially in small matters ; for transgression creeps in unperceived and at last ruins the state , just as the constant recurrence of small expenses in time eats up a fortune 因為法律是沒有那種讓人們唯命是從的力量,除了某些習慣它是能隨著時間的推移而養成的,因此,快速的變化在法律上,從古老的法律到新的法律是會使法律的力量減弱 |
Monte cristo concealed himself behind a large tomb and awaited the arrival of morrel , who by degrees approached the tomb now abandoned by spectators and workmen . morrel threw a glance around , but before it reached the spot occupied by monte cristo the latter had advanced yet nearer , still unperceived 他神情茫然地向四周環顧,當他的目光離開基督山所躲藏的那個圓形墓地,基督山已走到離他十來步遠的地方,年青人卻仍沒有發現他。 |
He quickly concealed himself in his cabin , to avoid an awkward explanation , and hoped - thanks to the number of passengers - to remain unperceived by mr fogg s servant . on that very day , however , he met passepartout face to face on the forward deck 有一天由于旅客很多,費克斯認為自己絕不會被對手發現,他就出來了,可是冤家路窄,就在這個時候,他在前甲板上碰上了路路通。 |
The expression of the count s face had not remained unperceived by the banker ; he fixed on him a look of greater assurance than before , and said : “ you may , perhaps , be better satisfied that i should not go farther into particulars . 伯爵臉上的表情并沒有瞞過銀行家的眼睛他用比以前更加堅定的眼神盯住對方,說: “您最好還是不要勉強我說得更明白吧。 ” |
A healthy body , a healthy mind live largely unperceived by their owner ; only occasionally , through pain or suffering they call for attention and insight 一個健全的身心大致上不會為其主人所感覺到;只當偶然地他們才透過痛感或苦楚引起注視。 |
From cahill s corner the reverend hugh c . love , m . a . , made obeisance unperceived , mindful of lords deputies whose hands benignant had held of yore rich advowsons 洛夫念念不忘的是:有俸圣職推舉權從前都掌握在寬厚的代理國王的諸侯手中。 |
The “ i “ in me , my friend , dwells in the house of silence , and therein it shall remain for ever more , unperceived , unapproachable 我之“真我” ,朋友,居住在“寂靜”的屋宇里,并將永居其中,無人察覺,無人靠近。 |
Morrel now emerged from his hiding - place , where he had remained quite unperceived , so great had been the general confusion 莫雷爾從他躲藏的地方走出來,當時的情形十分混亂不堪,所以他躲在那里并沒有讓人發覺。 |
And , in addition to this , everything forgotten or unperceived before presented itself now to his recollection 這時那些被遺忘或當初并未留意的事情都在他的記憶中呈現出來了。 |
Monte cristo exchanged a rapid glance with the young girl , which was quite unperceived by albert 基督山迅速地和這位年輕女郎交換了一次眼色,這個動作阿爾貝一點沒有覺察到。 |
The exciting fact was her having lived in an atmosphere to think with dream that her own tendency to provoke it had apparently passed unperceived . 令人激動的事實是,她一直生活在一種彌漫著濃重的戲劇氣息的氣氛中,以致她想渲染一下,這種氣氛的意向也明顯地不知不覺地消失殆盡。 |
It is most difficult to remember that the increase of every creature is constantly being checked by unperceived hostile agencies . 有一點常常使人最不容易記起的,就是各種生物的增殖都是不斷地受著未被覺察的敵對作用的抑制。 |