
unpardonable adj.不能寬恕的,不能原諒的。adv.-ably


The us soldiers ' behaviour was unpardonable as both unesco and leading american and western academics had already painstakingly warned the us government long before the war broke out of the real danger of such lootings taking place in iraq , and urged it to take effective actions to prevent these from happening . their warnings had not been heeded 美軍的行為根本不可寬恕。在戰爭還沒有爆發時,聯合國科文教組織和一些杰出的美國和西方學者,已經煞費苦心警告美國發生劫掠事件的危險。他們也懇請美國采取有效的預防措施,美國對他們的警告卻置之不理。

He recognized himself as being personally interested in the wager , and trembled at the thought that he might have been the means of losing it by his unpardonable folly of the night before 他感到仿佛自己也和這筆賭注有關。他一想起頭天晚上,他干的那樁不可饒恕的蠢事,很可能會斷送這筆賭注的時候,他不禁害怕起來。

But really , my dear count , we are talking as much of women as they do of us ; it is unpardonable . 但說真的,親愛的伯爵,我們現在就跟女人談論男人那樣的在談論她們了。這可是不可饒恕的呀! ”

This is the greatest mistake we could ever commit ; it s an unpardonable thing to do to ourselves 宇宙的力量一直都在我們的內邊,等著我們去喚醒它來為我們服務。

S without committing the unpardonable sin of trying to parse the message text 如果沒有犯不可原諒的嘗試分析消息正文的過失,調用者是不可能區分這些不同類型的

Richard nixon ' s unpardonable crime was robbing america of his great potential 由于理查德?尼克松犯下不可饒恕的罪行,美國失去了機會。

Imprudence or thoughtlessness in money matters would be unpardonable in me . 我要是在銀錢問題上粗心大意,那是不可原諒的。 ”

It was unpardonable 那是不可原諒的。

“ it drowns your voice , and that s an unpardonable crime . 樂器的聲音蓋住了你的聲音,這個錯誤是不可原諒的。 ”

But in such cases as these , a good memory is unpardonable 可是這一類的事,總不應該把宿怨記得太牢。

I felt that i ' m a unpardonable sinner 我覺得自己是個十惡不赦的罪人。

Richard nixon's unpardonable crime was robbing america of his great potential . 由于理查德尼克松犯下不可饒恕的罪行,美國失去了機會。

Their only one sin is unpardonable . 他們唯一罪行也是不赦之罪。