
unoffending adj.1.不侵犯人的,不沖撞人的。2.無害的,無罪的。


Their full slow eyes belied the words , the gestures eager and unoffending , but knew the rancours massed about them and knew their zeal was vain . vain patience to heap and hoard 他們那睜得圓圓的滯鈍的眼睛,與這些言談,這些殷切不沖撞人的舉止相左,然而他們曉得自己周圍積怨甚深,明白一腔熱忱是徒然的。

From these words mr best turned an unoffending face to stephen . - mallarm , don t you know , he said , has written those wonderful prose poems stephen mackenna used to read to me in paris “要知道,烏拉梅寫下的那些精彩的散文詩, ”他說, “在巴黎的時候,斯蒂芥麥克納61常朗讀給我聽。

Your unoffending wife should be tossed out on her ear 要把你夫人無妨害地棄掉

A war makes millions of unoffending beings suffer 戰爭使數百萬無辜的生命體受苦。

Upon this haft stands the assassin's natal autograph, written in the blood of that helpless and unoffending old man who loved you . 這個刀把上留下了兇手的天生標記,這是用那位無力自衛、善良無辜的老人的鮮血印下來的,這位老人很愛你們。