
unnumbered adj.1.沒有數的。2.數不清的,無數的。3.未編號的...


And now vegetation matured with vigour ; lowood shook loose its tresses ; it became all green , all flowery ; its great elm , ash , and oak skeletons were restored to majestic life ; woodland plants sprang up profusely in its recesses ; unnumbered varieties of moss filled its hollows , and it made a strange ground - sunshine out of the wealth of its wild primrose plants : i have seen their pale gold gleam in overshadowed spots like scatterings of the sweetest lustre 榆樹岑樹和橡樹光禿禿的高大樹干,恢復了生氣勃勃的雄姿,林間植物在幽深處茂密生長,無數種類的苔鮮填補了林中的空谷。眾多的野櫻草花,就像奇妙地從地上升起的陽光。我在林蔭深處曾見過它們淡談的金色光芒,猶如點點散開的可愛光斑。

The grainy sand had gone from under his feet . his boots trod again a damp crackling mast , razorshells , squeaking pebbles , that on the unnumbered pebbles beats , wood sieved by the shipworm , lost armada . unwholesome sandflats waited to suck his treading soles , breathing upward sewage breath 他的靴子重新踩在咯吱一聲就裂開來的濕桅桿上,還踩著了竹蟶,發出軋轢聲的卵石,被浪潮沖撞著的無數石子62 ,以及被船蛆蛀得滿是窟窿的木料,潰敗了的無敵艦隊63 。

Known as an incomparable spiritual path in mahayana , the vajra vehicle in tantra features unnumbered convenient methods for those who posess extraordinary positive karmas with it to elevate into the buddha state through direct and accurate meditation 密宗金剛乘,是一個無與倫比的大乘法門,其特征主要是殊勝的方便琳瑯滿目,它可使具備殊勝因緣者,直接觀修如來境界。

[ bbe ] i will give news of the mercies of the lord , and his great acts , even all the things the lord has done for us , in his great grace to the house of israel ; even all he has done for us in his unnumbered mercies 我要照耶和華一切所賜給我們的,提起他的慈愛,和美德,并他向以色列家所施的大恩,這恩是照他的憐恤和豐盛的慈愛賜給他們的。

I will give news of the mercies of the lord , and his great acts , even all the things the lord has done for us , in his great grace to the house of israel ; even all he has done for us in his unnumbered mercies 我要照耶和華一切所賜給我們的,提起他的慈愛,和美德,并他向以色列家所施的大恩,這恩是照他的憐恤和豐盛的慈愛賜給他們的。

Secondly , the multiple optimal solutions of transportation problem is sorted into numbered multiple optimal solutions and unnumbered multiple optimal solutions , furthermore , the theorem on judging of them are proposed 將運輸問題的多重最優解進一步劃分為有限多重最優解和無限多重最優解兩種情況,并分別給出了判定定理。

The american language grew not by “ legal “ incorporation of new words into grammar books and dictionaries , but by the unauthorized , unnumbered casual novelties of actual speech 美國語言的發展不是依靠文法書籍和字典“合法“收編新詞形成的,而是依靠現實語言中無數未經規范和隨意創造的詞匯實現的。

Individual usually is as a proposer and maker of the inventions and discoveries . in our long history , there is filled with unnumbered such examples 1個人通常是一個發明或發現的提出者。在歷史長河中,有很多這樣的例子。

Unnumbered information ui 無編號信息

[ bbe ] unnumbered women have done well , but you are better than all of them 說,才德的女子很多,惟獨你超過一切。

Unnumbered women have done well , but you are better than all of them 說,才德的女子很多,惟獨你超過一切。

One , unnumbered card called “ the fool 1張沒有號數的牌,叫做“愚人