
unnecessary adj.不必要的,多余的,無用的,無益的。 with u...


Facts have proved these worries ( to be ) unnecessary 事實證明這些擔心是不必要的。

Such subtlety as this , however , was often unnecessary 實際上,常常不必如此設局。

Avoid taking unnecessary valuables when hiking . 5 5 .在山野間發生意外時之求救方法

For his unnecessary roughness during the match 在比賽中會因不必要的粗暴行為

It ' ll save time and a lot of unnecessary fencing 可以省點時間,也不用遮遮擋擋

Turn off unnecessary lighting and electrical appliances 關掉不必要的電燈及電器

If a constraint is unnecessary , change it 如果某個限制是不必要的,請修改它。

It is unnecessary , i ' ll see you off at the airport 沒有必要,我將去機場送你。

Next you remove the unnecessary process parts 接下來您應刪除不必要的流程部分。

A statement which i felt was harsh and unnecessary 我認為那是草率的,不必要的。

People in the state department, recalling the nixon's american tour three years before, wondered whether kennedy might not be inviting unnecessary risks . 國務院的人回想到三年前尼克松的美洲之行,擔心肯尼迪會不會招致不必要的風險。

It is unnecessary to go to all that arithmetical trouble when there is a simple and more accurate way to get the result . 當存在一種簡單而又更為精確的方法以得出結果時,再去用一系列麻煩的算術運算就毫無必要了。

I learned by heart many unnecessary names and details, burdensome to the memory, in order to give occasional embarrassment to the teacher . 我用心記下許多沒有多大用處的姓名和瑣事,為的是偶爾給老師一個難堪。

The suppression of unnecessary offices, of useless establishments and expenses, enabled us to discontinue our internal taxes . 裁減不必要的官員,刪除無用的軍事設施與花費,使得我們可以中止國內稅。

Housewives can visit shopping centers on foot , for in these specially designed living areas , cars are unnecessary . 家庭主婦可以步行去商業中心,因為在這些特別設計的生活區不需要小轎車。

Sufficient care was had to the safekeeping of the captive without inflicting on him any unnecessary suffering . 為了防止俘虜逃跑,他們采取了嚴密的措施,但是也不給他不必要的罪受。

Underdevelopment is chocking: the squalor, disease, unnecessary deaths, and hopelessness of it all ! 不發達是駭人聽聞的,這就是骯臟、疾病、不必要的死亡和對所有這些東西的絕望!

We have been brought up to fear insects . we regarded them as unnecessary creatures that do more harm than good . 我們生來就害怕昆蟲。我們把它們看作不需要的、害多利少的生物。

It is unnecessary to expatiate on the effect of this downright refusal of the woman's proposals . 這個女人的求婚遭到一口回絕之后發生了什么事情,我們無需多費筆墨來描述。