
unnecessarily adv.不必要地,多余地,無用地,徒然,無謂。


To delivery , and as a consequence puts test activities unnecessarily on the critical path of the project 交付而完成測試準備,并且作為將不必要的測試活動放在項目的關鍵路徑上的結果。

They shall not be unnecessarily complicated or costly , or entail unreasonable time - limits or unwarranted delays 它們不得過于復雜或花費過高、或包含不合理的時效或無保障的拖延。

When it comes to sharing and partaking , it unnecessarily requires the presence of someone but someone who knows it at least 所謂分享和分擔,未必要有人在場,但至少要有人知道。

To avoid unnecessarily copying and conversion , these types are marshaled as in parameters . you must explicitly apply the 為了避免不必要的復制和轉換,這些類型被作為in參數封送。

Incorrect interpretation of conclusions drawn from laboratory studies has unnecessarily alarmed some people 實驗室研究錯誤的解釋導致的結果使不必要的警告了傳達到了部分普通人

So convention over configuration doesn t unnecessarily restrict you , it just rewards you for consistent naming 所以配置約定不會限制您,但是如果采用一致的命名,就會得到好處。

Bad abstraction choices lie at the root of many unnecessarily complicated or unreliable systems 許多系統根本沒必要那麼復雜,或是變得不可靠,根本的原因就在選擇了不好的摘要。

It is said that boys would always get better results than girls in exams , however , the fact is unnecessarily so 有些人認為男孩子考試成績總是比女孩子好。然而,事實未必如此。

It ' s an inconsistency , but one we ' re ok with to prevent water from feeling unnecessarily weird everywhere else 我們希望讓競技場外的玩家不會覺得“喝水”的感覺有什么不同。

Not - slip lace : not damaged unnecessarily by friction with the upper and tight the shape of the shoe while walking 防滑鞋帶:可以避免不必的鞋面磨損,行走時能套牢鞋子的形狀

Please delete the file when installation testing is completed so that unsuspecting users are not unnecessarily alarmed 在檢測完畢后請您刪除這個文件,以免以后造成誤解

The tools required to develop applications for any grid infrastructure are unnecessarily complicated 為任何網格基礎設施開發應用程序時所需要的工具都有些不必要地復雜。

He unnecessarily spent a lot of time introducing this book , which the students are familiar with 他花了很長時間介紹這本書,其實沒有必要,因為學生們對它已經很熟悉了。

We unnecessarily strive for the first at every turn , but we mustn ' t let “ non - striving “ guide our actions 我們雖然未必要事事爭第一,但一定不能讓“不爭”成為行動綱領。

This category has one subcategory that focuses on identifying code that is unnecessarily complex 這一種類中有一個子類專注于鑒別那些不必要那么復雜的代碼。

Defining redundant relationships generally adds no value and unnecessarily increases processing time 通常,定義最直接的關系有助于聚合設計并提高查詢性能。

Do not erect structures ( e . g . scaffolding ) unnecessarily in the vicinity of any overhead lines 不得在任何架空電纜附近架設不必要的構筑物(例如棚架) 。

There is no sense in diluting the ownership interest of a private company ' s present owners unnecessarily 這并不是意在減少非上市公司當前所有者的利益。

By using checkpoints , a package can avoid unnecessarily repeating these lengthy operations 通過使用檢查點,包可以避免不必要地重復下列耗時很長的操作: