unmoved adj.1.(決心等)堅定的。2.不動心的,冷靜的,鎮定...
adj. 1.(決心等)堅定的。 2.不動心的,冷靜的,鎮定的。 “unmoved mover“ 中文翻譯: 不動的動者; 不動的推動者“none were unmoved“ 中文翻譯: 無不為之感動“sternly cool and unmoved“ 中文翻譯: 淡漠無情“unmove“ 中文翻譯: 不能打動“unmovedness“ 中文翻譯: 不動心“unmovable exophthalmus“ 中文翻譯: 鶻眼凝睛,鶻眼凝睛外障,魚睛不夜“unmovic“ 中文翻譯: 監核視委; 聯合國監測核查和視察委員會“unmovable data set“ 中文翻譯: 不可移數據集; 非移動數據集“unmovic joint inspection team in bagdad“ 中文翻譯: 監核視委巴格達聯合視察隊“unmounting“ 中文翻譯: 正在解除掛載“unmovic joint inspection team in mosul“ 中文翻譯: 監核視委摩蘇爾聯合視察隊“unmounted volume“ 中文翻譯: 未裝入的卷
unmuffle |
And they also have the habit of surprising everybody in their reaction to issues , exhibiting violent movements in response to events that appear to be totally unrelated to the markets , or unmoved by events that are normally considered to be market - sensitive 金融市場對事情的反應往往出人意表,例如碰到一些似乎與市場毫不相干的事,它們可能會如驚弓之鳥,劇烈波動,相反面對一些市場敏感因素,卻可能會不動如山。 |
The cousin standing at the door ushered in the guests , and it was rather a relief to the indifferent to see a person as unmoved as themselves , and who did not exact a mournful face or force tears , as would have been the case with a father , a brother , or a lover 他那位堂弟站在門口接待賓客,他無動于衷,并沒有象一位父親,一位兄長,一個愛人那樣哀傷或者勉強擠出幾滴眼淚。 |
Michael kramer , a religious diner relishing a burger at one of the two tel aviv branches , welcomed the changes . “ i can see from far away whether it is a kosher one , “ he said . roi gerstein was unmoved 特拉維夫當地的一名猶太教用餐者表示,麥當勞此次的更改標志行動受顧客歡迎, “根據新標志,我在老遠的地方就可以判斷這家餐廳是否符合猶太教的標準” 。 |
Tihon was used to the princes habit of expressing his thoughts aloud , and so it was with an unmoved countenance that he met the wrathful and inquiring face that emerged from the nightshirt . gone to bed ? inquired the prince 吉洪知道公爵有時候會有出聲地表達思維的習慣,所以在公爵把臉從睡衣里露出來時,他仍然面不變色,與他那疑問而惱怒的目光相遇。 |
If wise people experience challenges , they look into themselves ; if they are commented by others , they quietly smile to themselves , unmoved ; if they are slandered , they don ' t feel the need to defend their name 如果聰明人遇到挑戰,他們會看自己里面;如果是別人的批評,就安靜地一笑置之,不為所動;如果是誹謗,他們也不覺得需要防衛自己的名聲。 |
He looked at albert - he was as white as his shirt , and mechanically cast away his cigar , although he had not half smoked it . the count alone seemed unmoved - nay , more , a slight color seemed striving to rise in his pale cheeks 他望了望阿爾貝阿爾貝的臉色白得象他的襯衫一樣了,他機械地丟掉了他的雪茄,雖然那支雪茄還沒抽到一半。 |
Those who were chinese - educated could well feel the century - long humiliation suffered by their ancestral country . who could remain unmoved when hearing the proclamation by mao that the chinese people have finally stood up 念方塊字的人,感受的到這古老大地百年來所忍受的恥辱,對于“中國人民站起來了”的宣告,誰能無動于衷? |
[ bbe ] for this cause , my dear brothers , be strong in purpose and unmoved , ever giving yourselves to the work of the lord , because you are certain that your work is not without effect in the lord 所以我親愛的弟兄們、你們務要堅固不可搖動、常常竭力多作主工、因為知道你們的勞苦、在主里面不是徒然的。 |
If everything is either at rest or moving when it occupies a space equal ( to itself ) , while the object moved is always in the instant ( in the now ) , the moving arrow is unmoved (如果每一個物體當它占據與自己相同空間時,不是靜止不動就是在運動中,然而,在一瞬間物體已經運動完成,所以飛矢不動。 ) |
In our efforts to adjust differences of opinion we should be free from intolerance of position , and our judgements should be unmoved by alluring phrases and unvexed by selfish interests 在我們努力協調意見的分歧時,應當拋棄偏執與意氣用事;我們的判斷不應當被花言巧語蒙騙,也不應該被個人私利擾亂。 |
In our efforts to adjust differences of opinion we should be free from intolerance of passion , and our judgements should be unmoved by alluring phrases and unvexed by selfish interests 在我們努力協調意見的分歧時,應當拋棄偏執與意氣用事;我們的判斷不應當被花言巧語蒙騙,也不應被個人私利擾亂。 |
In our efforts to adjust differences of opinion we should be free from intolerance of passion , and our judgements should be unmoved by alluring prases and unvexed by selfish interests 在我們努力協調意見的分歧時,應當拋棄偏執與意氣用事,我們的判斷不應當被花言巧語蒙騙,也不應被個人私利擾亂。 |
For this cause , my dear brothers , be strong in purpose and unmoved , ever giving yourselves to the work of the lord , because you are certain that your work is not without effect in the lord 所以我親愛的弟兄們、你們務要堅固不可搖動、常常竭力多作主工、因為知道你們的勞苦、在主里面不是徒然的。 |
And yet , as this special report has already noted , many of the smartly dressed young people of tehran seem quite unmoved ( some are amused ) by the official hate - mongering 然而,就像我們這份報道所注意到的那樣,許多衣著利索的德黑蘭年輕人并不對官方的仇恨宣傳感興趣(一些甚至感到好笑) 。 |
He read without a variation in expression , without his skin changing color , without an alteration in his breathing , his cockatoo ' s tuft of hair unmoved by the rhythm of his thoughts 他讀的時候氣定神閑,面不改色,頭上那簇“鸚鵡發冠”也不見隨著思緒的節奏起伏。 |
I hope we are friends , was the unmoved reply ; while he still watched the rising of the moon , which he had been contemplating as i approached “但愿我們是朋友, ”他一面無動于衷地回答,一面仍然仰望著冉冉上升的月亮,我走近他時他就早已那么凝視著了。 |
The work they studied was full of costly pictures ; and those and their position had charm enough to keep them unmoved till joseph came home 他們研究的那本書盡是珍貴的插圖,那些圖畫和他們所在的位置魔力都不小,使他們直到約瑟夫回家時還坐著不動。 |
Cried morrel , in such a paroxysm of terror that monte cristo started , - he whom the falling heavens would have found unmoved ; “ you knew it , and said nothing ? 莫雷爾喊道,基督山已使他陷于極度的恐怖中, “你什么都知道了,卻什么都不說? ” |
He seems unmoved by an unprecedented ministerial communiqu , voicing fears about the bank ' s credibility and the motivation of its staff 他似乎對這份史無前例的部長公報無動于衷,部長們對世行的信譽及其職員的動機表達了憂慮。 |