
unmolested adj.未受到煩擾的;平靜的。


I let the poor things converse unmolested , till i supposed the songs were going to cease , and the singers to get some refreshment ; then , i clambered up the ladder to warn her 我讓這兩個可憐的東西談著話,不受干擾,直等到我推測歌唱要停止,那些歌手要吃點東西了,我就爬上梯子去提醒她。

Anatole had very shortly afterwards abandoned his wife , and in consideration of a sum of money , which he agreed to send his father - in - law , he was allowed by the latter to pass as a bachelor unmolested 阿納托利寄給岳父一筆款項,以此作為條件,不久后就遺棄妻子,取得做單身漢的權利。

My mother kept calling but after a few minutes , bambi and his lovely partner ran away , and for nearly two years my mother s roses grew unmolested 我母親一直叫喚它過來,但是幾分鐘之后,斑比和它的愛侶便跑走了。之后將近兩年的時間,我母親的玫瑰生長良好,枝葉無傷。

Not only was he unmolested , but two years later , he carried on another huge swindle upon the government under peculiarly heinous conditions 范德比爾特不僅逍遙法外,而且在兩年后又以極其兇狠的手段對政府進行又一次巨大的詐騙。

Not only was he unmolested , but two years later , he carried on another huge swindle upon the government under peculiary heinous conditions 范德比爾特不僅逍遙法外,而且在兩年后又以極其兇狠的手段對政府進行弓一次巨大的詐騙。

I shall take up my abode in a religious house near lisle - a nunnery you would call it ; there i shall be quiet and unmolested 我會在里斯爾附近一家寺院找到棲身之所你會稱它為修道院。

In france we leave unmolested those who set fire to the house , and persecute those who sound the alarm 在法國,我們對放火燒房子的人置之不理,卻處罰敲響警鐘的人。

In france we leave unmolested those who set fire to the house , and persecute those who sound the alarm 在法國,縱火燒屋者無事,按響警鈴者卻被起訴

Like many fugitives , he lived in argentina unmolested for many years 如同許多亡命者,他在阿根廷平靜的生活了許多年。

Let her sleep unmolested 讓她安安穩穩地睡吧。 ”

They wanted to dance unmolested 他們想要平靜地跳舞。

A room to himself where he could burn the midnight oil unmolested 自己有間屋就可以開夜車沒人打擾了。

I shall delight to pass the shores of those lone rock-islets where the sea-birds live and breed unmolested . 我很喜歡走過那種孤寂的暗礁似的小島的堤岸,海鳥生長在那里,沒有人去騷擾它們。