
unmitigated adj.1.沒有和緩的,沒有減輕的。2.十足的,純粹的。...


Prof luo xianglin , a foremost authority on genealogy , lamented that china ' s cultural accumulation over several millennia was reduced substantially to ruins in a few months of unmitigated madness 系譜學權威羅香林教授語帶悲傷地說,中國幾千年所累積的文化遺產,就在那喪心病狂的幾個月中毀于一旦。

Prof luo xianglin , a foremost authority on genealogy , lamented that china ' s cultural accumulation over several millennia was reduced substantially to ruins in a few months of unmitigated madness 系譜學權威羅香林教授語帶悲傷地說,中國幾千年所累積的文化遺產,就在那喪心病狂的幾個月中毀于一旦。

Furthermore , i am not going to look for a job . and i still believe that herbert spencer is a great and noble man and that judge blount is an unmitigated ass 我依舊相信赫伯特斯賓塞是個了不起的高貴的人而布朗特法官是個十足的蠢驢。

His married life has been an unmitigated hell , with the insane mrs . rochester kept under lock and key in the care of grace poole 精神失常的羅切斯特太太被鎖了起來,由格雷斯?普爾看管著,而羅切斯特的婚后生活則是不折不扣的一所地獄。

In my opinion , anything that stops cyclists breeding is to be welcomed as an unmitigated good 在我看來,任何阻止騎車人繁衍后代的事都是好事,應該加以歡迎。

First , i must tell you i ' ve been the most unmitigated and comprehensive ass 首先,我要告訴你我是一個最愚昧無知的蠢貨

The upshot was neither an unmitigated success nor an unmitigated failure 這一結果既非完全的成功也未徹底的失敗。

The costs of unmitigated climate change are potentially enormous 未減緩的氣候變化所造成的經濟損失將是巨大的。

It ' s not unmitigated gloom 這并不是不能解決的問題

Unmitigated disaster ! the death knell 滅頂之災啊已經聽到喪鐘報喪了

[ pegasus ] it ' s an unmitigated disaster , english 這簡直是一場無法挽救的災難,英格利希

Pegasus it ' s an unmitigated disaster , english 這簡直是一場無法挽救的災難,英格利希

Responsiveness of each paper to its own social group was not an unmitigated advantage for society . 各報對于它自己所屬的社會集團的關心,對于整個社會而言卻并不是十分有益的事情。

New england was accustomed to didacticism in its literature, and unmitigated didacticism blights the novel . 新英格蘭習慣于在文學里說教,可是一味說教,小說就要完蛋。

We are much too apt to look at schism in our church as an unmitigated evil . 我們太容易把自己教會中的分立看成是十惡不赦的。

I gather by what you have not said that he's an unmitigated scoundrel . 聽你的言外之意,他是個不折不扣的惡棍。

It is a most inscrutable and unmitigated staggerer ! 這倒是一個難以理解和無法弄清楚的難題。