unmistakable adj.不會弄錯的,不可能發生誤解的,明白的。 The ...
adj. 不會弄錯的,不可能發生誤解的,明白的。 The slogans are unmistakable. 口號明確。 adv. -ably “unmistakable presence“ 中文翻譯: 很顯然的存在“unmiset“ 中文翻譯: 東帝汶支助團“unmistakably“ 中文翻譯: 明白地“unmirror“ 中文翻譯: 取消鏡像; 取消鏡象“unmitigated“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.沒有和緩的,沒有減輕的。 2.十足的,純粹的。 an unmitigated lie 純粹的騙人話。 an unmitigated ass 大傻瓜。 adv. -ly “unmined“ 中文翻譯: 已掃清水雷的未布雷的“unmitigated curse“ 中文翻譯: 十足的罵人話“unmindful“ 中文翻譯: adj. 不注意的,漫不經心的;易忘的 (of; that)。 adv. -ly “unmitigated noise“ 中文翻譯: 未經減低的噪音“unmilitary“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.非軍事的。 2.違反軍隊訓練[規律]的。 3.不像軍人的。
unmitigated |
The voice startled her , quieter than before but unmistakable . she hardly felt the pain of the brambles tearing into her hand as she jerked upright 這個聲音嚇了她一跳,雖然聲音比原來更加輕柔,但肯定是那個聲音。當她猛地站起來,她幾乎都沒感到樹莓勒疼了她的手。 |
The flush that would not leave the cheeks told the simple story , and more eloquently did the eyes , large and bright , reflecting an unmistakable inward glory 那羞紅不褪的臉已經說明了這個簡單的故事,那雙水汪汪的大眼睛更雄辯地反映了存在她內心的不容置疑的輝煌。 |
[ color = red ] illustrated [ / color ] with an entertaining array of examples from both high and low culture , the trend that mr . mcwhorter documents is unmistakable 麥荷特顯示先生從上層和下層文化中列舉了一系列有趣的例子,從而說明他記錄的這種趨勢是確鑿無誤的。 |
Within the past week , unmistakable evidence has established the fact that a series of offensive missile sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island 在上周,有清晰的證據顯示了這樣的事實? ?在那個被囚禁的小島上一系列進攻性導彈場地正處在建設中。 |
While i haven ' t come across a definite connection with napoleon hill , the similarities in their ideas are unmistakable 盡管我不能完全確定拿破侖?希爾( 《思考致富》作者)是受了什么人的影響開始這方面寫作的,但是他的觀點肯定師承于華萊士。 |
But with astonishing turns by the whole cast , the film gradually swells into a gripping , unmistakable slice - of - life that acknowledges the wonders of emotional healing 夏綠蒂藍萍演一名為照顧殘疾女兒心力交瘁的母親,既含蓄亦充滿壓場感。 |
And although no two individual shapes or expressions of the sound are exactly alike , we each resonate with the unmistakable echo of our source 盡管沒有兩種個體的外型或表情完全相同,但是在本質上,我們每個人都可以與造化的音流產生共振。 |
Three points must be located in the roof hanging intersection nodes . roof lifting at 50 cm from the suspended after inspections continue lifting unmistakable 吊點必須設在屋架三匯交節點上.屋架起吊時離地50 ?時暫停,檢查無誤后再繼續起吊 |
There ' s also an unmistakable vitality to the melrose mirror and junior journal that is missing from much of journalism today 與此同時,無論是麥爾羅明鏡亦或青少年報,都充溢著一股確鑿無誤的活力,而這正是眼下新聞報道領域所普遍缺乏的。 |
Illustrated with an entertaining array of examples from both high and low culture , the trend that mr . mcmhorter documents is unmistakable 這些高雅和低俗的文化所給出的一系列有趣的例子足以說明麥克沃特先生所記述的趨勢是準確無誤的。 |
Wanda plaza , with its unmistakable overall appearance , will be a unity and make up a “ landmark “ in the heterogeneous townscape 萬達廣場憑借其獨一無二的建筑造型,統一性與棱角分明的外觀在城市景觀中擁有地標式的作用。 |
The fact is that whether by coincidence or conscious effort , the similarities between bryant and jordan ' s mannerisms are unmistakable 事實上,不管是巧合還是有意所為,科比和喬丹在行為舉止上的相似之處是不會弄錯的。 |
And then came the unmistakable sound of rory tremont losing his last few meals . the whole cellblock heard it . i mean , it echoed “無可避免的,羅里接連幾頓飯都吐,整個監獄都聽得到,我是說,它回蕩在監獄中。 ” |
There she was , sitting on her heels , toes dug firmly in the sand , and cradled in her lap was the unmistakable head of a wolf 她就在那兒,蹲坐在腳后跟上,腳尖陷進沙子里,緊抱在腿上的明明是一只狼的腦袋! |
From the facial expressions and body language of people around them , the message so you are a foreigner is unmistakable 從周圍聽眾的面部表情和肢體語言中,他們明明白白地解讀出“原來你是外來人”的反應。 |
He was just now manifesting unmistakable signs of impatience , nervously pacing up and down , and unable to stand still for a moment 這時候,他一直不停地走來走去,看來心里很不耐煩。這人名叫費克斯。 |
While there have been periods of friction over these twenty years , the dynamism and increasing prosperity across the strait is unmistakable 這樣的中國,而不是孤立對立的中國,才真正符合美國的利益。 |
First he recognised the doctor with an unmistakable frown ; then his glance fell upon me , and he looked relieved 他先是認出了醫生,明顯地皺了皺眉,然后他的目光又掃向我,看上去就放松了些。 |
On our way back to the hotel , the cold ocean wind was still blowing . however , i felt the unmistakable warmth of the night 回飯店的途中,冷颼的海風一樣吹著,但我卻覺得這個夜晚好溫暖啊! |