
unmilitary adj.1.非軍事的。2.違反軍隊訓練[規律]的。3.不...


Chapter 7 mainly deals with the local differences in related policies , operation mechanism , and real results in the practice of family planning and the multi - layer characters which appear between city and countryside , the han nationality and minorities , floating and permanent populations , military and unmilitary units , foreign and domestic marriage 第七章主要闡述了計劃生育在運作實踐中相關政策、運作機制及實際效果的地方差異,城鄉之間、漢族和少數民族之間、流動人口與常住人口之間、軍事單位與非軍事單位之間、涉外婚姻與本土婚姻之間等呈現出多層次特征。

I must ask some one who understands it , he thought , and he addressed the officer , who was looking with curiosity at his huge , unmilitary figure “得問一個了解情況的人。 ”他想,于是轉身問一個軍官,那個軍官正好奇地打量他那不是軍人裝束的龐大身軀。