
unlivable adj.不宜居住的;不舒適的〔指居住條件〕。


A strategy that vindicates its moral convictions only from altitudes above 15 , 000 feet - - and in the process devastates serbia and makes kosovo unlivable - - has already produced more refugees and casualties than any conceivable alternative mix of force and diplomacy would have 那種僅從15 , 000英尺的高空來證實其道德信仰之正義性且在此過程中將塞爾維亞摧毀殆盡并使科索沃居民背井離鄉、流離失所的戰略,所產生的難民和傷亡人數早已超過了所有其他可以想象到的武力與外交并用的手段所會產生的數量。

As native athenian panos demestiha observed : “ athens by day is unlivable , but it ' s magical at night . 雅典本地人帕諾斯?德默斯蒂亞說: “白天的雅典是不適于居住的,但夜晚的它是迷人的。 ”