
unlearnt adj.= unlearned2.


It is the “ quality control “ measure and a way of deepening the therapeutic process , not the money , means the most for the patients to unlearn maladaptive thought / behavior patterns and develop new associations and connections that lead to emotional well - being , ultimately eliminating the need for psychotherapist 譯:對病人來說,最重要的是質量控制措施及加深治療的作用,而不是金錢,以便幫助他們擺脫適應不良的思維與行為模式和發展新的能帶來情緒安寧的社會關系和人際關系,并最終擺脫對心理治療師的依賴。

“ unsafe habits can be unlearned just as easily as they can be learned , but first , drivers must recognize the risk they face by not concentrating on their driving , “ said lisa dorn , director of driver research at cranfield university . the study also revealed drivers 克蘭菲爾德大學司機研究中心主任莉沙多恩說: “司機們容易養成不安全的駕駛習慣,也可以輕松的改掉這些習慣,但首先他們必須認識到駕駛時開小差是非常危險的。 ”

“ unsafe habits can be unlearned just as easily as they can be learned , but first , drivers must recognize the risk they face by not concentrating on their driving , “ said lisa dorn , director of driver research at cranfield university 克蘭菲爾德大學司機研究中心主任莉沙多恩說: “司機們容易養成不安全的駕駛習慣,也可以輕松的改掉這些習慣,但首先他們必須認識到駕駛時開小差是非常危險的。 ”

“ unsafe habits can be unlearned just as easily as they can be learned , but first , drivers must recognize the risk they face by not concentrating on their driving , “ said lisa dorn , director of driver research at cranfield university 克蘭菲爾德大學司機研究中心主任莉沙多恩說: “司機們容易養成不安全的駕駛習慣,也可以輕松的改掉這些習慣,但首先他們必須認識到駕駛時開小差是非常危險的。 ”

Learning aikido is really “ unlearning “ bad habits more than learning something new 學習合氣道,與其說是學習新的東西,不如說是學習如何改正不好的習慣更為貼切。