
unkempt adj.1.不整潔的,亂七八糟的;(服裝等)邋遢的。2....


Up the two terrace flights of steps the rain ran wildly , and beat at the great door , like a swift messenger rousing those within ; uneasy rushes of wind went through the hall , among the old spears and knives , and passed lamenting up the stairs , and shook the curtains of the bed where the last marquis had slept . east , west , north , and south , through the woods , four heavy - treading , unkempt figures crushed the high grass and cracked the branches , striding on cautiously to come together in the courtyard 一陣陣不安的風刮進了大廳,刮過了古老的矛和刀,再嗚咽著刮上了樓梯,吹拂著最后的侯爵睡過的床邊幃幔,四個步履沉重須發零亂的人穿過東西南北的樹林,踏倒了長草,碰斷了枯枝,小心翼翼地來到了院子里,在那兒點起了四把火,然后四散分開。

An old man widower , unkempt hair , in bed , with head covered , sighing : an infirm dog , athos : aconite , resorted to by increasing doses of grains and scruples as a palliative of recrudescent neuralgia : the face in death of a septuagenarian suicide by poison 一個老鰥夫,頭發蓬亂,戴著睡帽,躺在床上唉聲嘆氣一只病狗,阿索斯作為發作性神經痛的鎮痛劑,逐漸加量服用的附子一位七十歲上服毒自殺者的遺容。

In india people loved to worship stones because they were too lazy to carve them ! master and everyone laugh they grew long hair which they kept unkempt , and they had long beards like goats . master and everyone laugh “ mare . . . . 師父及大眾笑他的頭發不要,留得很長,他的胡子,長的很像山羊一樣師父及大眾笑,咩師父學山羊叫,而且他把全部的家庭恩愛丟掉,變自己成太監師父及大眾笑。

“ t other “ was a ragged , unkempt creature , with nothing very pleasant in his face . the spaniard was wrapped in a serape ; he had bushy white whiskers ; long white hair flowed from under his sombrero , and he wore green goggles “另一個人”衣衫襤褸,蓬頭垢面,臉上表情令人難受西班牙老頭披一條墨西哥花圍巾,臉上長著密密麻麻的白色絡腮胡,頭戴寬邊帽,長長的白發垂下,鼻子上架一副綠眼鏡。

One in five said the clean - cut look made a man more stylish , while half said a beard aged a man . a quarter said it made him look unhygienic and unkempt 五分之一的被調查者認為,將面部修飾得光滑整潔可以使一個男人給她們留下更為時尚的印象,而有一半的人則宣稱胡須會使男人平添幾分老相。

A forthcoming series of the bbc television show “ little britain “ features an unkempt middle - aged balding brit looking for love in a thai brides brochure 一出即將上檔的英國廣播公司劇集《小英國人》 ,主角是一個不修邊幅的中年禿頭英國人,在泰國新娘簡介里尋找愛情。

In homid form ( which they rarely ever assume ) , talons are crude , hairy , slouching and unkempt ; they never look when they can glare 當他們呈現人形態的時候(他們很少這么做) ,魔爪們顯得粗魯、多毛、懶散和蓬亂;當他們可以瞪著眼睛怒目而視的時候,他們從來不好好看。

Just after he left the barbershop , he saw a man in the street with long , stringy , dirty hair and an untrimmed beard . he looked dirty and unkempt 他一離開理發店,就看到街上有一個人,頭發長長,又粘又臟,胡子拉碴,看起來骯臟凌亂。

24 a strange figure is revealed , outwardly unprepossessing , untidy , unkempt , he is a yogi of transcendent powers 一個奇怪的現象顯示,他雖然表面上不吸引人,不修邊幅,實際上卻是一位有著超越力量的瑜伽修行者。

Unclean , unkempt , clothed in rags and hunger and madness , he saw himself victorious , heroic and beautiful 盡管他一身腌?h ,沒梳沒洗,衣服襤褸,饑腸轆轆,瘋子似的,在他自己眼中也立時變成英俊,威武的勝利者。

Unclean , unkempt , clothed in rags and hunger and madness , he saw himself victorious , heroic and beautiful 盡管他一身腌? ,沒梳沒洗,衣服襤褸,饑腸轆轆,瘋子似的,在他自己眼中也立時變成英俊,威武的勝利者。

The heads of the seven girls , whose hair was unkempt and strewn with straw , crowded together as they peeped into the window 七顆頭發蓬亂、沾著草屑的腦袋擠在一起,往窗里張望著。

Their hair was long and unkempt and their clothes were wrinkled and old 他們舉止不雅,不修邊幅,頭發蓬亂,衣服破舊,根本不熱情好客,還在我說話的時候亂嚷嚷。 ”

His voice was hoarse and his unkempt head only added to its grewsome quality 他的聲音嘶啞,加上他那副蓬頭垢面的樣子,聽起來很可怕。

Really ? i thoughtyou preferred the rumpled , unkempt look 真的嗎?我以為你們喜歡亂七八糟不整潔的樣子

During the owners ' absence the lawn became dreadfully unkempt 主人們不在的時候,草地變得凌亂不堪。

Mother ' s concerned because peter is an unkempt layabout 媽擔心是因為彼得是個又亂又懶的家伙

You seem very sweet and unkempt and troubled 你看上去有點甜蜜,有點麻煩,有點落魄

She slopped about her room, unkempt and disheveled, in her tawdry dressing-gown . 她不修邊幅,滿頭蓬發,穿著俗里俗氣的睡衣邋邋遢遢在屋里走來走去。