
universal adj.1.宇宙的,萬有的,萬物的;完全的,絕對的;全世...

universal algebra

A statement asserting the existence of a trend is existential, not universal . 斷定有某種趨勢存在的命題是存在命題而不是全稱命題。

Gravity, although the weakest known force, is the only universal force . 引力雖然是已知力中最弱的力,它卻是唯一普遍存在的力。

Is it a universal phenomenon representing a stage prior to galaxy formation ? 它是代表了星系形成前某一階段的一種宇宙現象嗎?

In the end her sheer competence and professionalism won universal respect . 她的卓越的能力和專門技能終于贏得了普遍的尊重。

They would use mathematics as this is the only truly universal language . 他們將應用數學,因為數學是唯一的真正的宇宙語言。

It is not surprising that there is no universal method for all viruses . 毫不奇怪,對所有的病毒不會有一個普遍適用的方法。

Under the action of universal gravitational forces the small perturbations will grow . 在萬有引力的作用下,小擾動會加強。

Mr. pickwick's countenance glowed with an expression of universal philanthropy . 匹克威克先生臉上閃耀著博愛眾生的表情。

He discerned the fact that his demon secret was abroad, universal . 他領悟到,他那可怕的秘密已經不脛而走,眾所周知了。

The mind, by a power of her own, contemplates the universals in all things . 心靈自有其機能,潛觀默察一切事物的共性。

Since 1952, the civil time at greenwich has been called universal time . 1952年后,格林威治的民用時,已稱為世界時。

In the best work of joel chandler harris the local becomes universal . 在哈里斯最好的作品里,地方性變成了普遍性。

He could bring out the universal element in the most parochial of issues . 他能在最狹隘的問題中揭示出普遍的要素。

The escort and the universal watchfulness had completely isolated him . 護送和普遍一致的監視曾經使他完全孤立。

He contends for his own individual soul against the universal reality . 他爭取自己的個人靈魂而抗擊宇宙的真實。

It reminds the scientist of the universal implications of his work . 它提醒科學家注意到他的工作的普遍牽連性。

No kidding , it 's not easy to get a universal instrument these days . 說真的,現在要買臺萬能儀可不容易。

Einstein 's theory of relativity won for him universal esteem . 愛因斯坦的相對論贏得了全世界對他的崇敬。

Your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life . 你的生活就會日益融合于宇宙萬物的生活之中。