
unitary adj.1.一個的,單一的,單元的。 2. 整體的,一致...


At last , the grade of target threat was obtained by unitary processing according to max 按最大值進行歸一化處理,獲得目標威脅等級。

Teleportation of an unknown two - particle three - level entangled state by unitary operations 通過幺正操作傳送未知兩個三能級粒子糾纏態

Method of testing for rating computer and data processing room unitary air conditioners 計算機與數據處理間單體氣調節器分級測試方法

Heat operated unitary air - conditioning equipment for cooling , methods of testing for rating 降溫用溫控單元空調設備評定的測試方法

The unitary and many - lined development viewpoint is also bounded in connotation 二、高中近現代史教學運用現代化史觀的必要性。

Unitary legal system 單一法律體系

Unitary board system 單一董事會制

Unitary authority region 單一管理區

Seasonal efficiency of unitary air conditioners and heat pumps , methods of testing for 單式空調器和熱泵的季節效應試驗方法

Gaussian unitary ensembles ; correlation functions ; moments ; laguerre polynomials Gauss酉系綜相關函數矩laguerre多項式

Unitary price elasticity 單位需求價格彈性

Generally unitary solution to a system of matrix equations over the quaternion field 一四元數矩陣方程組的廣義酉矩陣解

Unitary air conditioners 單元式空氣調節機

Gardner and his team claim that intelligence is not one unitary kind of skill 這是基于霍華德加德納的多元智力理念。

Continuous unitary representation 連續酉表示

Commercial and industrial unitary air - conditioning and heat pump equipment 商用和工業用統一空氣調節和熱泵設備

A - unitary matrix and its properties 酉矩陣及其性質

At last we prove that group - like unitary system has the dilation property 最后得出群似酉系統具有膨脹性。

Tencent has a unitary board 騰訊建立了單一的董事會。