
unitarian n.1.【宗教】(基督教的)唯一神教派教徒。2.〔u-〕...


In spite of their unitarian proclivities and their masks of conservative broadmindedness , they were two generations behind interpretative science : their mental processes were mediaeval , while their thinking on the ultimate data of existence and of the universe struck him as the same metaphysical method that was as young as the youngest race , as old as the cave - man , and older - the same that moved the first pleistocene ape - man to fear the dark ; that moved the first hasty hebrew savage to incarnate eve from adam s rib ; that moved descartes to build an idealistic system of the universe out of the projections of his own puny ego ; and that moved the famous british ecclesiastic to denounce evolution in satire so scathing as to win immediate applause and leave his name a notorious scrawl on the page of history 盡管他們傾向于唯一神教,戴了一副具有保守開明思想的面具,實際上他們已落后于解釋世界的科學兩代之久。他們的思想還處在中世紀階段。同時,他也感到,他們看待生命和宇宙的終極事實的方法還是形而上學的,那種看法阻地球上最年輕的種族的看法一樣幼稚也跟穴居人的看法一樣古老,甚至更古老那看法使第一個更新世的猿人害怕黑暗使第一個匆促的希伯來野蠻人用亞當的肋骨造成了夏娃使笛卡爾通過反射渺小的自我建立了唯心主義的宇宙體系使那有名的英格蘭傳教士用尖刻的諷刺來譴責進化論,并立即博得了喝彩,從而在歷史的篇章里草草留下了一個臭名。

Lavishly praised in the press as a future classic , the story of mankind was selected as the first book to receive the annual newbery medal , which had been created by unitarian bookseller and editor frederic melcher to honor outstanding american children ' s books 被媒體過分的贊譽為未來的經典讀物之一后, 《人類的故事》被選為接受年度紐伯瑞獎的頭本書;該獎項是由一神論的書商和編輯弗雷德里克?梅爾徹為榮耀杰出的美國兒童書籍而設立的。

In 1563 , giorgio blandrata was appointed as court physician , and his radical religious ideas increasingly influenced both the young king john ii and the calvinist bishop francis david , eventually converting both to the anti - trinitarian ( unitarian ) creed 1563年,喬吉奧?布蘭德拉塔被任命為宮廷醫師,他狂熱的宗教思想極大地影響了年輕的國王約翰二世和加爾文主教弗朗西斯?大衛,使他們皈依了反三位一體教派。

As first - generation immigrants to the capital , their social circle was restricted , certainly more so than it would have been if they had remained among their unitarian relatives in manchester 在這里他們的社交圈很小,甚至比不上家鄉曼徹斯特的一神教教友人數。

The league raised money for the american unitarian association ( aua ) , financed mission projects , coordinated special events , and recruited potential ministers 該聯盟為美國一神教協會( aua )募集資金,資助傳教計劃,協辦特殊活動,并征募可能成為執事的人。

Harvard - unitarian culture found spiritual and intellectual confirmation in empirical proof , scientific progress , and material success “哈佛一神論文化在經驗的根據、科學的進步和物質的發展中找到了精神上和學術上的認同。

At the first unitarian church 1817 , near mount vernon place , william ellery channing preached the sermon that defined unitarian principles in 1819 巴爾的摩的178英尺的54米高的華盛頓紀念塔是建造于1815和1840之間。

Van loon had joined the unitarian laymen ' s league in 1924 房龍于1924年加入一神教俗世信徒聯盟。

The advice was considered shocking by the elders who heard his address; deity had lost its definite article, and the place allotted it seemed too extra-curricular even for unitarians . 年長的聽得此言大吃一驚,神靈一詞沒有加定冠詞,給它的地位在唯一神教徒看來都不免有悖教義。