
unimpeachable adj.無可懷疑的;無可指摘的;無懈可擊的;無過失的,無...


Country . that , the lofty example of this immaculate and unimpeachable witness for the crown , to refer to whom however unworthily was an honour , had communicated itself to the prisoner s servant , and had engendered in him a holy determination to examine his master s table - drawers and pockets , and secrete his papers 因此這位證人,這位一塵不染無懈可擊忠于王室的崇高典范,這位無論在什么卑微瑣屑的情況下談到都會令人肅然起敬的人物跟囚犯的仆人取得了聯系,啟發他下定了崇高的決心去檢查他主人的桌子抽屜和衣服口袋,并藏起了他的文件。

Anna pavlovnas set refused to admit any french people but the most unimpeachable legitimists ; and in her drawing - room the patriotic view found expression that the french theatre ought not to be patronised , and that the maintenance of the french company there cost as much as the maintenance of a whole army corps 參加安娜帕夫洛夫娜集團的法國人僅限于頑固的保皇黨,所以,這里表現出來的愛國思想是,不該上法國劇院,認為維持一個劇團的經費抵得上維持一個軍團的經費。

That , the lofty example of this immaculate and unimpeachable witness . . . . . had communicated itself to the prisoner ' s servant , and had engendered in him a holy determination to examine his master ' s table - drawers and pockets , and secrete his papers 這位證人,這位一塵不染、無懈可擊、忠于王室的崇高典范,跟囚犯的仆人取得了聯系,啟發他下定了崇高的決心去檢查他主人的桌子抽屜和衣服口袋,并藏起了他的文件。

She s brim full of poetry - actualized poetry , if i may use the expression . she lives what paper - poets only write . . . and she is an unimpeachable christian , i am sure ; perhaps of the very tribe , genus , and species you desire to propagate 在理論上懂得詩的詩人只能把詩寫出來,而她卻是一首具有生命的詩而且我敢肯定,她還是一個無可指摘的基督徒也許她就是你們想宣揚的那一類典型中的一個。 ”

“ you can lecture me , but you can t make me talk back , “ martin said . “ after all , you have but the wisdom of your temperament , and the wisdom of my temperament is just as unimpeachable as yours . “你可以訓斥我,但是你無法讓我跟你辯論, ”馬丁說, “歸根到底你的見解來自你的性格,而我這來自我自己性格的見解也和你的一樣無懈可擊。 ”

All round the table the gentlemen in question looked unimpeachable in the extreme , what with their evening dress and their pale features , the natural distinction of which was still further refined by fatigue 圍著餐桌而坐的先生們,個個身著禮服,打著白領帶,端莊得體,他們臉色蒼白,面帶倦容,顯得更高雅一些。

Clare was silent ; his heart had risen at these straightforward words from such an unexpected unimpeachable quarter . in his throat was something as if a sob had solidified there 克萊爾沉默了他從這個意外的無可懷疑的來源聽了這番坦白直率的話,他的心立刻被感動了。

In debt markets , assets of unimpeachable quality ( namely g7 government bonds ) , though expensive , will likely get more so 在債券市場,質量無懈可擊的資產(如七國集團的政府債券) ,盡管昂貴,卻更有可取之處。

They had lounged away in a poverty - stricken , purposeless , accidental manner , quite natural and unimpeachable 人們都走開了。他們窮,行動都很偶然沒有目的。這很自然,也無懈可擊。

When toned down again , the unimpeachable patriot appeared in the witness - box 這陣喧嘩過去,那無懈可擊的愛國志士已經登上了證人席。

Gentlemen of unimpeachable appearance repeated : “ nana , woa , nana ! 一些身份高貴的先生也跟著他叫起來: “娜娜!

All round the table, the gentlemen looked unimpeachable in the extreme . 這些紳士們圍著桌子坐著,樣子都極端地無可非議。

It is the revenge that nature takes on persons of unimpeachable character . 這是自然對人品無瑕的人的報復。

Your testimony on this matter is hardly unimpeachable . 在這個問題上你的辯駁很難說是無懈可擊的。

Willoughby pattern is a man of unimpeachable honour . 威洛比帕忒恩是個無可指責的高尚的人。