
unhelpful adj.1.無用的,無益的。2.不予幫助的,不予合作的。


Unfortunately , this code will not work in internet explorer version 6 because the browser does not implement the getelementsbytagnamens function and , in fact , takes the rather unhelpful approach of treating xml namespace prefixes as if they were part of the element and attribute names 遺憾的是,以上代碼無法在internet explorer version 6中運行,因為該瀏覽器不僅沒有實現getelementsbytagnamens功能,而且事實上還使用了一種很糟糕的方法將xml命名空間的前綴作為其元素和屬性名稱的一部分來對待。

The above questions are unhelpful , even of hindrance to realize the goals ( everyone learns valuable mathematics ; everyone can acquire necessary mathematics knowledge and skills and different person has different development in mathematics . based on the realistic background , the author initiates the research project 這些問題的存在不僅無助于,而且有礙于“人人學有價值的數學、人人都能獲得必需的數學、不同的人在數學上得到不同的發展”的生動現實。

On july 17 , in yet another example of how unhelpful the political conversation has become , workers laid out cots and pillows in a marble cloakroom on capitol hill as the senate prepared for an all - night debate on another in a line of doomed - to - fail resolutions 在7月17日,在另一場非常無用的政治會議上,當參議院準備為一個注定失敗的決議而通宵爭辯,工人們擺著床和枕頭在國會前的大理石上臨時搭著小間。

Even when they move out of childhood into adolescence and should be doing their own laundry and frying their own breakfast eggs , many kids act as virtual guests in their own homes - - and unhelpful guests at that 甚至當這些孩子從幼年步入成人后,他們本應會自己洗個衣服、煎個蛋了,但他們中的許多還是賴在家里,還是衣來伸手,飯來張口,就象個客人,而且還是個從來也不伸手幫忙的客人。

Basically , constructive ambiguity on the strong side , while helpful in inhibiting speculative shorting of the hong kong dollar , is clearly unhelpful when , for whatever reason , there is pressure for the currency to appreciate 基本上,聯系匯率制度在港元偏強時的運作維持一定程度的含糊性是具建設性的做法,因為這有助遏止拋空港元的炒賣活動,但若港元正面對升值壓力,這便無補于是了。

It is fully understandable , though nevertheless unhelpful , that people whom i meet here in germany , for example , seem to have moved from pride in the deutschemark to nostalgia for the deutschemark , rather than from pride in the deutschemark to pride in the euro 以我在德國遇到的人為例,他們對昔日引以為榮的德國馬克不勝懷緬,原來的一份自豪感并沒有自動投射到歐元身上。

And it is thoroughly unhelpful if national politicians adopt the line that some candidates in france ' s presidential election have been taking by blaming the euro for their ills and bashing the european central bank 如果各國政治家采納法國總統大選中一些候選人將本國弊病歸咎于歐元以及抨擊歐洲央行的方針,那也是極其無益的。

He said while there were many areas of potential cooperation between the countries , there was “ enormous frustration “ in the united states about what was seen as china ' s “ unhelpful “ attitude 他說,兩鍋之間有很多潛在的合作空間,同時,美鍋也會有“巨大的挫折感” ,因為他們所認為的中國的“不合作”的態度。

Or give you unhelpful heap of negative thoughts on personal development and that it ' s all just common sense , a waste of time and that in real life it doesn ' t work like in the books 或者,他們會給你一些關于個人發展的無用的、消極的想法,這些都是很正常的,只是在浪費時間,畢竟現實生活和書里的描述不同。

In more normal situations , coverage as a guide to design only decreases the value of the tests or puts testers under unproductive pressure to meet unhelpful goals 在正式的場合,覆蓋率作為一個設計的指導只會減少測試的價值,或將測試員置于低效率的壓力下,以達到沒有用處的目標。

A lesser confrontation , in which he as good as called andrew johnson , the everton striker , a cheat before being forced to retract his comments , was also unhelpful 在另一次較輕的隊員碰撞中,他稱埃福頓前鋒約翰遜假摔,但后來被迫收回他的評論,這對他的形象可沒什么幫助。

From this list of thought - leading companies , the concept seems to boil down to this : thought leader is simply a new and unhelpful way of saying successful 從這個思想引領型公司名單中,似乎可以歸結出這樣一個概念: “思想領袖”只是一種新毫無用處的描述成功的新方式。

Apple is hardly alone in the high - tech industry when it comes to duff gadgets and unhelpful call centres , but in other respects it is highly unusual 在高科技業界,蘋果并非唯一一家存在部件質量低劣和話務中心援助不力等問題的公司,但在其它方面,它卻十分出類拔萃。

“ but this regard will often be silent . criticism of the unhelpful kind and even abuse , on the other hand , will all too often be vocal , “ mr justice bokhary added 然而,你們贏得的尊敬和贊賞往往是默然無聲的;但是毫無建樹的批評、甚至訶責謾罵卻不絕于耳。

But there is always the possibility that , if the easy monetary conditions are sustained for too long , they could become unhelpful , in that they may then begin to contribute to inflation 不過,若寬松的貨幣環境維持過久,卻可能適得其反,變成助長通脹。

The exchange fund is therefore not an ordinary investment fund , and comparisons between it and other investment funds are unhelpful , the spokesperson said 發言人說:外匯基金因此并不是一個普通的投資基金。把外匯基金跟其他投資基金來作比較是不合適的。

I think underlining becomes unhelpful when there are numerous inline links in paragraphs , in lists of links , and when there are lots of sets of links on a page 如果段落中、鏈接列表中或頁面中的超鏈接過多,那對這些鏈接使用下劃線將起不到任何突出作用。

A quick google search reveals the following examples of typical , but unhelpful definitions or rather descriptions of thread - safe code 快速搜索一下google ,可以找到以下關于線程安全代碼的典型的、但是沒有多大幫助的定義(或者可以說是描述) :

Without meaning in any way to be unhelpful , i would say , as an example , that the maintenance of currency stability in macau is a relatively easy task 所謂仔難容蛟,以澳門為例,維持貨幣穩定是相對容易的。我這樣說絕無不敬或貶意。