unheeded adj.沒有受到注意的,沒人理睬的,沒人注意的。
adj. 沒有受到注意的,沒人理睬的,沒人注意的。 “the unheeded pageant“ 中文翻譯: 不被注意的花飾“unheeding“ 中文翻譯: adj. 不注意的,不留心的;疏忽的。 adv. -ly “unhec“ 中文翻譯: 聯合國人類環境會議“unheedingly“ 中文翻譯: 不理會地; 不留心地; 不小心地“unheating hothouse“ 中文翻譯: 不加溫溫室“unhelpful“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.無用的,無益的。 2.不予幫助的,不予合作的。 “unheated serum reagin test“ 中文翻譯: usr試驗,未加熱血清反應素試驗“unhemmed“ 中文翻譯: adj. 沒有褶邊[卷邊]的。 “unheated line“ 中文翻譯: 不加熱管線“unheralded air attack“ 中文翻譯: 突然空襲“unheated lime“ 中文翻譯: 未加熱的浸灰池
unheeding |
As an open theory evolving with time , scientific socialism shall never leave unheeded the social changes presently occur in the reality of socialistic countries that center around the administration transformation of a nation , instead , it is supposed to strive for an acute grip as well as a thorough study of them 科學社會主義理論應該是開放的理論,是與時俱進的理論,因此,對于現實中社會主義國家已經和正在推行著的、以國家治理方式的轉變為核心的社會變革,科學社會主義理論不能等閑視之,而是必須敏銳把握它、努力研究它。 |
With his sixty years experience he knew how much weight to attach to rumours ; he knew how ready men are when they desire anything to manipulate all evidence so as to confirm what they desire ; and he knew how readily in that case they let everything of an opposite significance pass unheeded 他以六十年的經驗得知,這些傳聞有多大份量,知道那些抱有某種愿望的人總是收集一些消息來證實他們的愿望,在這種情況下,總是忽略了相反的消息。 |
I bethought myself to go upstairs and see how the dying woman sped , who lay there almost unheeded : the very servants paid her but a remittent attention : the hired nurse , being little looked after , would slip out of the room whenever she could 我想起要上樓去,看看這個生命垂危的女人病情如何。她躺在那里,幾乎沒有人照料,傭人們化的心思時多時少雇傭來的護士,因為沒有人看管,想溜就溜。 |
Environed by them , while the woodman and the farmer worked unheeded , those two of the large jaws , and those other two of the plain and the fair laces , trod with stir enough , and carried their divine rights with a high hand 在這些事件包圍之中, “樵夫”和“農民”仍然悄悄地干著活,而那兩位大下巴和另外兩張平常的和姣好的面孔卻都威風凜凜,專橫地運用著他們神授的君權。 |
Peace to his ashes . mr bloom walked unheeded along his grove by saddened angels , crosses , broken pillars , family vaults , stone hopes praying with upcast eyes , old ireland s hearts and hands 兩側是悲慟的天使,十字架,斷裂的圓柱171 ,家塋仰望天空做禱告的希望的石像,還有古愛爾蘭的心和手。 |
George santayana once said , “ those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it . “ but in the computer design industry , it seems , this warning has gone unheeded George santayana曾經說過, “那些忘記歷史的人注定會重復歷史” 。但是在計算機設計業界中,這個警告似乎并沒有受到重視。 |
On the day when the lotus bloomed , alas , my mind was straying , and i knew it not . my basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded 蓮花盛開的那個日子呀,我的心不自覺地從流飄落,任意東西。我的花籃空空,這花兒就那么被忽略。 |
1 on the day when the lotus bloomed , alas , my mind was straying , and i knew it not . my basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded 蓮花開放的那天,唉,我不自覺地在心魂飄蕩。我的花籃空著,花兒我也沒有去理睬。 |
On the day when the lotus bloomed , alas , my mind was straying , and i knew it not . my basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded 蓮花開放那天,唉,我的思緒飄零,卻不知緣由。我空著花籃,冷落了花兒。 |
On the day when the lotus bloomed , alas , my mind was straying , and i knew it not . my basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded 那天,蓮花綻放,唉,我不覺心旌搖蕩。我的花籃空著,花兒我也沒去理睬。 |
It ' s a metaphor for unheeded advice or demand , just like a puff of wind passing the ear , without leaving any trace 話說了,要求提了,也沒起一點兒作用,就像風兒從耳邊吹過,不留一點兒痕跡一樣。 |
Unheeded he kept by them as they came towards the drier sand , a rag of wolf s tongue redpanting from his jaws 它那斑駁的身軀在他們前頭款款而行,隨后又像頭小牛犢那樣一溜煙兒跑開了。 |
Days , even months , passed by unheeded in one rapid and instructive course . at the end of a year dant 時間在學習中飛速地流逝,一年之后,唐太斯已變成了另一個人。 |
The ball bobbed unheeded on the wake of swells , floated under by the bridge piers 受冷落的紙團落在洶涌浪濤的尾波上,沿著橋墩漂向下游。 |
Threats of massive fines have gone unheeded 巨額罰款的威脅沒人理睬。 |
Threats of massive fines have gone unheeded 人們對不申報要受重罰的威脅置若罔聞。 |
Schubert's grace, and chopin's beautiful sorrows, and the mighty harmonies of beethoven himself, fell unheeded on his ear . 舒伯特的溫文、肖邦的憂傷的美和貝多芬的雄渾的和諧,他都可以充耳不聞。 |
The doctor's attentions were unheeded by the widow . 醫生獻殷勤但是寡婦不理睬。 |
The appeal had gone mostly unheeded . 這項請求沒什么人理睬。 |