
ungloved adj.沒有帶手套的。


Our clothing was insufficient to protect us from the severe cold : we had no boots , the snow got into our shoes and melted there : our ungloved hands became numbed and covered with chilblains , as were our feet : i remember well the distracting irritation i endured from this cause every evening , when my feet inflamed ; and the torture of thrusting the swelled , raw , and stiff toes into my shoes in the morning 大家沒有靴子,雪灌進了鞋子,并在里面融化。我們沒有手套,手都凍僵了,像腳上一樣,長滿了凍瘡。每晚我的雙腳紅腫,早上又得把腫脹疼痛和僵硬的腳趾伸進鞋子,一時痛癢難熬,至今記憶猶新。

His ungloved hands shivering and his body aching from three sleep - deprived days and nights of work in the field , urmson stares glumly at the machine and weighs his options 厄姆森未戴手套的雙手顫抖著,他已在野外工作了三天三夜,由于睡眠不足而全身腰?背痛。