
unfriended adj.沒有朋友[伙伴]的;孤立無援的。


The curate might set as many chapters as he pleased for catherine to get by heart , and joseph might thrash heathcliff till his arm ached ; they forgot everything the minute they were together again : at least the minute they had contrived some naughty plan of revenge ; and many a time i ve cried to myself to watch them growing more reckless daily , and i not daring to speak a syllable , for fear of losing the small power i still retained over the unfriended creatures 盡管副牧師隨心所欲地留下多少章節叫凱瑟琳背誦,盡管約瑟夫把希刺克厲夫抽得胳臂痛,可是只要他們又聚在一起,或至少在他們籌劃出什么報復的頑皮計劃的那一分鐘,他們就把什么都忘了。有多少次我眼看他們一天比一天胡來,只好自己哭,我又不敢說一個字,唯恐失掉我對于這兩個舉目無親的小家伙還能保留的一點點權力。