
unflagging adj.不減弱[松懈]的;不垂頭喪氣的,不倦的。adv....


In the tractability with which , at my wish , you forsook a study in which you were interested , and adopted another because it interested me ; in the untiring assiduity with which you have since persevered in it - in the unflagging energy and unshaken temper with which you have met its difficulties - i acknowledge the complement of the qualities i seek 從這里,我看到了一個為犧牲而狂喜揀起我所感興趣的東西那種馴服性格中,從你一直堅持的孜孜不倦刻苦勤奮的精神中,從你對待困難那永不衰竭的活力和不可動搖的個性中,我看到了你具備我所尋求的一切品格。

Over on the mainland , output is rising , and there is splendid diversity from mainstream entertainment to the ? don ? t give a shit , i do it my way ? school of filmmaking . upholding veritable traditions , challenging hegemonies , even tackling tough historical questions , they are all distinguished by an unflagging love for movies 從商業無大路的,到關你屁事,老子就是喜歡這樣拍的,包羅萬有,有擁護傳統的,革新的,風花雪月的,跟歷史問題扭麻花的連同開幕閉幕其他部份,今年的中國電影多達十七部,而且還望明年會更好。

Though hong kong had been historically separated from our motherland for a period of time , we know well at the bottom of our heart that it is our own country which safeguards hong kong s interests and comes to our help instantly in times of difficulties , be it during the financial turmoil or the outbreak of sars , with unreserved support and unflagging attention , and without expecting anything from us in return 雖然香港在歷史上與國家分離了一段時間,但市民心底里都知道,維護香港的利益,并在香港有困難的時候,無論是金融風暴,或是sars ,即施予援手,全力支持,無求回報,不離不棄,都是自己國家。

Every little while some giant tree yielded the fight and fell crashing through the younger growth ; and the unflagging thunderpeals came now in ear - splitting explosive bursts , keen and sharp , and unspeakably appalling 每隔一會,就有一棵大樹不敵狂風,嘩啦一聲撲倒在小樹叢中驚雷如潮,震耳欲聾,驚魂奪魄,難以言狀。

Toll , who in this battle played the part of weierother in the battle of austerlitz , galloped with unflagging energy from one part of the field to another , and found everything at sixes and sevens everywhere 托爾在這場戰斗中扮演了維羅特爾在奧斯特利茨戰役扮演的角色,他騎著馬到處奔忙,到處都發現事與愿違。

She also attributed ird s achievement to all staff who had shown unflagging support for the department s mission of providing courteous and effective services to the taxpaying public 稅務局服務承諾能夠達標,全賴各職員為實踐部門的使命而給予堅定不移的支持,對納稅人待之以禮,并提供有實效的服務。

“ we wish to express our sincere gratitude for the valuable advice and unflagging support rendered by them over the past two years , “ the spokesman said 發言人表示:對四位委員在過去兩年的不懈支持和寶貴意見,我們謹此致以由衷謝意。

Sonya , too , worked with unflagging zeal ; but the aim of her exertions was the opposite of natashas 索尼婭同樣也在忙個不停但她忙碌的方向正好與娜塔莎的方向相反。

Unflagging devotion is all verywell , but it does rather take out the challenge 能熱情的投入一件事情是很好的但同時也會令其是去挑戰

“ innovation , quality , service ” is the unflagging pursuit of the lionmed “創新、質量、服務”是公司永恒的追求。

And unflagging courage i know him to be 以及不屈的勇氣的我了解他

We owed the shah a great deal for his unflagging loyalty during the october war . 我們應當大大感謝伊朗國王在十月戰爭期間表現的始終不渝的忠誠。