
unfit adj.1.不適當的,不適宜的,不適任的。2.(身體、精...


Any drunk and unfit person with illness is declined with thanks for this game 酒后及身患疾病不適宜者,謝絕騎乘。

We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat 我們知道空氣不適宜呼吸也知道我們的食物不適宜吃

The water is unfit for drinking 這水不宜飲用。

A bad attack of lumbago unfitted him for work in the garden 因腰部風濕病發作得很厲害,他無法做園子里的工作。

The delicacy of roses makes them unfit for an extreme climate 玫瑰因其嬌貴纖弱而不能適應極冷或極熱的氣候。

How can i renew a uniform if it is found unfit or has defects 隊員如領制服后發覺不稱身或有損壞應怎樣更換?

Study on individual joint and several liability to unfit professional actions 論不當職務行為的個人連帶責任

Half of the food is unfit to eat 這食物中有一半不能吃。

We can not try this man ; he is mentally unfit to plead 我們不能審問這個人,他的精神狀況不適于辯解。

A cycling holiday would be too much for an unfit person like me 像我這種身體,騎自行車度假力不從心。

Is it because they are unfit or beyond the scope of initiation 這是因為他們不適合或超過印心的范圍?

See , i know you would be unfit 大牛:你看,我就知道你不行。

Any drunk and physically unfit person is not suitable for this game 酒后及身體不適者,不宜駕乘。

She is unfit for such a senior position 她不勝任這種高級職務

You are completely unfit to handle a child 你完全不適合帶小孩

His constant vacillation make him an unfit administrator 他經常的優柔寡斷使他不適于當行政官。

This house is unfit for human habitation 這所房子不適合人居住。

Dorothy : he said i was an unfit mother 他說我是一個不稱職的母親

Dorothy nolan was a known drunk , an unfit parent .桃樂西.諾蘭只知道酗酒,不是一個稱職的父母