
unexpected adj.想不到的,料不到的,意外的,忽然的,突然的。ad...


Suddenly an unexpected series of sounds began to be heard in this place up against the sky . 突然、在這擎接著天穹的地方傳來了一連串意想不到的聲音。

In a wonderful, unexpected way, it was old samuel who gave elizabeth encouragement . 用一種奇妙的,意想不到的方式,老塞繆爾給了伊麗莎白勇氣。

The question was so unexpected that, for a moment, arthur was at a loss how to reply to it . 問題來得這么突然,亞瑟一時竟不知道怎樣回答才好。

He had wanted to do something sudden and arbitrary, something unexpected and refined . 他要求自己做事出人意外,獨斷專行,干得既驚人又出色。

In 1932, an american scientist reported an unexpected and astonishing discovery . 1932年一位美國科學家報告了一個出人意外的驚人發現。

Reacting with initiative to the unexpected is not a specialty of soviet diplomats . 蘇聯外交官沒有那種臨機應變、主動作出反應的特長。

A succession of disasters came on him so swiftly and with such unexpected violence . 一連串的災禍來得那么迅速而又猛烈,真意想不到。

Throw is usually taken to mean the unexpected outward projection of stones from blasting . 飛石通常是指爆破的石塊向外面意外飛射。

The reader will find that there are some unexpected absentees from chapters which follow . 讀者會發現后面幾章中有一些意外的欠缺。

In any event, the unexpected orders started me on a hurried round of preparation . 無論如何,這未期望的命令使我開始匆促的準備。

This unexpected result may be due to the presence of a racemase in tobacco cells . 可能煙草中的消旋酶的存在導致這一意外的結果。

What allowed them enough air in the first place was an unexpected stroke of luck . 能使他倆有足夠空氣的首先是偶然的運氣。

An unexpected legacy enabled him to wipe off the debt on his house . 一筆意外的遺產使他全部償還了他在住宅上所欠的債務。

Surprised by this unexpected friendliness, ashurst murmured . 對這沒有預料到的友好表示,艾舍斯特吃了一驚,他咕噥著說。

Cowperwood was disturbed, nonplussed at this unexpected sight . 柯帕烏一看見這種意外的情景,就感到心煩意亂,不知所措。

If you made unexpected movements they yelled at you from the telescreen . 如果你隨便亂動,他們就會從電幕中向你吆喝。

In research, such insights often come from unexpected quarters . 在研究中,這樣的發現常常來自事先沒有預料到的領域。

The production of sheaths has led to some new and unexpected difficulties . 制造被筒時引起一些新的未預料到的困難。

An unexpected bonus had revived the spirits of keycase milne . 一筆意外的收入使奇開匙米爾恩的精神重新振作起來。