
unexceptionable adj.無懈可擊的,無從指摘的,極好的,完美的。adv....


After joining wto for more than one year , china automobile industry meets unexceptionable development opportunity . the market becomes prosperous in all country . the automobile output accomplished the tenth five years plan ahead 3 years 中國加入wto一年多時間,中國汽車工業迎來了前所未有的發展機遇,汽車市場全面啟動,汽車產量提前三年完成汽車“十五”規劃。

Mrs. renfrew, the colonel's widow, was not only unexceptionable in point of breeding, but also interesting on the ground of her complaint . 倫費魯太太是上校的遺孀,不僅在教養方面無懈可擊,而且她的抱怨也耐人尋味。

Mr. weston was a man of unexceptionable character, easy fortune, suitable age, and pleasant manners . 魏斯吞先生有無可非議的品德、富裕的家產、合適的年齡和愉快的態度。

Mr. weston was a man of unexceptionable character, easy fortune . 韋斯頓先生人品出眾,廣有錢財。