
unemotional adj.不易激動的;缺乏感情的;冷漠的。


However , the views from our accountant colleagues in government are really unexpected . in a meeting with representatives from the ird , audit commission , treasury , hospital authority , tertiary institutions and other statutory bodies , the unanimous views that i received was that despite the ill feeling they have on the bill , almost all accountants within their contact are quite reconciled and unemotional about the bill . most accepted the economic reality of the times and the notion that they too bear public responsibilities to make some small personal sacrifices for the public good 這班會計界的朋友給我的意見幾乎是一致的,他們告訴我,其實,在公務員體系內的會計界朋友,雖然他們有些是認為政府的立法手段不公道及非常不光彩,但也了解到經濟的現實,輿論差不多是一面倒地對公務員不利,公務員應有責任去配合社會整體利益,甚至乎作出些少犧牲,所以,他們大多數都已采取了平和、容忍,及默默接受的態度,在工作上亦極少以此作為交談話題,依然只顧盡心盡力為市民服務。

However , the views from our accountant colleagues in government are really unexpected . in a meeting with representatives from the ird , audit commission , treasury , hospital authority , tertiary institutions and other statutory bodies , the unanimous views that i received was that despite the ill feeling they have on the bill , almost all accountants within their contact are quite reconciled and unemotional about the bill . most accepted the economic reality of the times and the notion that they too bear public responsibilities to make some small personal sacrifices for the public good 這班會計界的朋友給我的意見幾乎是一致的,他們告訴我,其實,在公務員體系內的會計界朋友,雖然他們有些是認為政府的立法手段不公道及非常不光彩,但也了解到經濟的現實,輿論差不多是一面倒地對公務員不利,公務員應有責任去配合社會整體利益,甚至乎作出些少犧牲,所以,他們大多數都已采取了平和容忍,及默默接受的態度,在工作上亦極少以此作為交談話題,依然只顧盡心盡力為市民服務。

Her thin legs , visible below her once long frock , now short by her growing , and her uncomfortable hands and arms , revealed her youth and inexperience . yes , i have been traipsing about all day , tess , said lu , with unemotional gravity , a - trying to find ee ; and i m very tired 因為長高了,以前她穿在身上嫌長的袍子,現在已經顯得短了,一雙腿也露在袍子的外面她的手和胳膊也似乎感到拘謹,這說明她還沒有處世的經驗。

Malcolm mclean , normally an unemotional man , as befitted his scottish ancestry , watched with a twinge of anxiety as the ship left port newark in new jersey 馬爾科姆?麥克萊恩不是一個感情外露的人,這一點很符合他的蘇格蘭血統,可是那一天他看著油船離開新澤西的紐瓦克港時,卻頗感焦慮。

These hardworking , unemotional , shrewd , responsible , persevering , and cautious persons are capable of persisting for as long as is necessary to accomplish a goal they have set 這些努力工作、不易動感情、精明、有責任感、不屈不撓而且謹慎的人們會不達到自己設定的目標不放手。

Air kisses often practiced by celebs are another ' unemotional ' type of greeting . the study is due to be published next month in the scientific journal laterality 明星常做的飛吻手勢也是一種“缺乏感情”的問候方式。這項研究的結果將于下月在科學期刊《側性》上發表。

Detection is , or ought to be , an exact science and should be treated in the same cold and [ / color ] [ / size ] [ / align ] [ align = left ] [ size = 2 ] [ color = black ] unemotional manner 偵探術是或者應當是一種精確的科學,應當用同樣冷靜而不是感情用事的方法來研究它。

D urberville mechanically lit a cigar , and the journey was continued with broken unemotional conversation on the commonplace objects by the wayside 德貝維爾呆板地點上一支雪茄煙,接著就上路了,沿途就路邊一些普通景物斷斷續續地不帶感情地說些閑話。

It was a clear and unemotional exposition of the president ' s reason for willing to begin the dialogue between the two sides 譯文:這篇發言清楚明了、心平氣和地說明了總統希望開始雙邊對話的原因。

Detection is , or ought to be , an exact science and should be treated in the same cold and unemotional manner 偵探術是或者應當是一種精確的科學,應當用同樣冷靜而不是感情用事的方法來研究它。

Susan married a man who appeared to be unemotional and self - possessed but who turned out to have a soft centre 蘇珊嫁給了一個看起來冷漠有自制力的男人,可沒想到他原來是一個軟心腸呢。

It was a clear and unemotional exposition of the president ' s reasons for willing to begin a chinese - american dialogue 這篇發言清楚明白、心平氣和地說明了總統希望開始中美對話的原因。

Rahm says in an oddly unemotional way , “ get out of here this instant , if you want to live . 拉姆用一種冷靜得出奇的神情說, “馬上離開這兒,要是你想活命的話。 ”

In these early sources it represents a devotion still somewhat restrained and unemotional 這些早期的資料上描繪的虔誠依然是稍為有些拘謹,也非訴諸于情感。

Air kisses often practiced by celebs are another “ unemotional “ type of greeting 明星常做的飛吻手勢也是一種“缺乏感情”的問候方式。

Air kisses often practiced by celebs are another unemotional type of greeting 明星常做的飛吻手勢也是一種“缺乏感情”的問候方式。

When he had thus established himself as a person unemotional and interested only in business, he sauntered out . 當他把自己的形象樹立成輕易不動感情,只關心業務的人之后,他悠閑地走了出去。

Rahm says in an oddly unemotional way, “get out of here this instant, if you want to live. “ 拉姆用一種冷靜得出奇的神情說,“馬上離開這兒,要是你想活命的話。”

Even such an opinion should be expressed in unemotional terms . 即使是這樣的意見也應該心平氣和地陳述。