
unedited adj.1.未作過編輯加工的。2.未刊行的。3.(新聞等...


You may download , reformat and print a limited amount of gtsm website content only for your personal , non - commercial use . contents must be reproduced in their entirety , unedited , and accompanied by the following copyright statement and credit : used with permission from gtsm website 若您欲引用或轉載前述軟體程式或網站內容,必須依法先取得柜臺買賣中心或其他權利人之事前書面同意,并請注明資料來源同時確保資料之完整性,不得任意增刪。

On average for every foot of edited film , you need twelve times as much unedited film and therefore you have to compromise and , of course , discard some of it 平均每一個被編輯的電影腳本,你同樣需要12分鐘未被編輯的鏡頭,因此你不得不放棄,丟棄其中的一些。

It can be heard in the quiet , most unedited times like when our head hits the pillow at night 這種渴望有時會在不經意的安靜時刻,比如當我們在夜晚將頭靠落有枕頭上時聽到。

He prayed a messy , unedited prayer knowing that his god could handle his frustration , his brokenness and his confusion 知道他的神要處理他的沮喪他的破碎

You see , the button - cam is all one shot - - it ' s unedited , uninterrupted 你看,這個紐扣攝像機只拍了一段- -沒有編輯過,沒有停止

You see , the button - cam is all one shot - it ' s unedited , uninterrupted 你看,這個紐扣攝像機只拍了一段-沒有編輯過,沒有停止