
unearthly adj.1.不是這個世界的,非塵世的,超自然的。2.神秘...


But however the mind of the young man might he absorbed in these reflections , they were at once dispersed at the sight of the dark frowning ruins of the stupendous colosseum , through the various openings of which the pale moonlight played and flickered like the unearthly gleam from the eyes of the wandering dead 但是,不論這個年輕人是如何專心一致地沉溺在這種種回憶里,他的思緒還是被偉大的斗獸場廢墟那一片黑森森的景象打斷了,透過廢墟的各個門洞,慘白的月光時隱時現地閃爍著,象是孤魂野鬼的眼睛里所射出來的光。

Without stirring from our firesides we may roam to the most remote regions of the earth , or soar into realms where spenser ' s shapes of unearthly beauty flock to meet us , where milton ' s angels peal in our ears the choral hymns of paradise 足不出戶,坐在爐火邊,我們就能倘佯在地球上最遙遠的地方,或者翱翔在斯賓塞和彌爾頓的王國;在那兒,斯賓塞妙筆下超凡脫俗的仙女蜂擁而至,迎接我們的到來;在那兒,彌爾頓描摹的天使在我們的耳邊大聲地合唱著天堂贊歌。

The description he gave me perfectly corresponds with the features and character of the man before us . oh , he is the exact personification of what i have been led to expect ! the coal - black hair , large bright , glittering eyes , in which a wild , unearthly fire seems burning , - the same ghastly paleness 他把他們的樣子形容給我聽,而他所形容的正巧象這個人一樣:馬黑的頭發,慘白的臉色,又大又亮的閃閃發光的眼睛,眼睛里象是在燃燒著一種鬼火。

Without stirring from our firesides we may roam to the most remote regions of the earth , or soar into realms where spenser ' s shapes of unearthly beauty flock to meet us , where milton ' s angels peal in our ears the choral hymns of paradise 無須離開家門,我們便可邀游世界上最遙遠的地方,可以飛到斯賓塞筆下的夢境般的王國,那里會有成群的仙女結隊歡迎我們,也可飛到彌爾頓描繪的天國,那甲天使們合唱的天國贊美詩如雷貫耳。

All at once , there began the most horrid , unearthly screaming , which at first startled me badly , though i had soon remembered the voice of captain flint , and even thought i could make out the bird by her bright plumage as she sat perched upon her master s wrist 最初把我嚇壞了,但我很快就記起那是名叫“弗林特船長”的鸚鵡在叫。它正蹲坐在主人的手腕上,根據它那亮麗的羽毛,我可以辨認出它。

From the streets beyond the high wall and the strong gate , there came the usual night hum of the city , with now and then an indescribable ring in it , weird and unearthly , as if some unwonted sounds of a terrible nature were going up to heaven 高大的墻與結實的門外傳來了城市常有的嗡嗡之聲,偶然插進一種難以描述的鈴聲,那鈴聲妖異鬼氣,仿佛是某種性質特別的反常的東西正往天上飛升。

Not content to offer just another war parable , director rodrguez s sundance competition entry turns documentary making into a poetic abstraction non - linear , mystical , and mounted by unearthly sounds that rattle the foundation of one family s existence 八六年世界法庭裁定美國侵犯別國,但列根不理,反加強攻勢。在這大背景下,片中的一家六口,包括母親和三子兩女,也卷入戰火。

But worst of all , there is absolutely no evidence to prove sam ever existed . haunted by the memories of her son . telly s search for the truth propels her into a dark mind - shattering conspiracy of unearthly terror . . . . . 泰莉茱莉安摩亞飾因難忘喪子之痛而求見心理醫生加利仙尼斯飾,但心理醫生竟然告訴她,她根本沒有兒子,與兒了相處的八年記憶全是她憑空幻想。

A famous american john muir said in 1898 : “ the grand canyon … as unearthly in the color and grandeur and quantity of its architecture as if you had found it after death on some other star 科羅拉多大峽谷一位著名的美國人約翰?繆爾曾在1898年說過: “ (科羅拉多河的)大峽谷… …它的色彩和構造的宏偉多樣是世上所無的,就像是人消亡以后在別的星球上發現的東西。 ”

A famous american john muir said in 1898 : “ the grand canyon … as unearthly in the color and grandeur and quantity of its architecture as if you had found it after death on some other star 一位著名的美國人約翰?繆爾曾在1898年說過: “ (科羅拉多河的)大峽谷… …它的色彩和構造的宏偉多樣是世上所無的,就像是人消亡以后在別的星球上發現的東西。 ”

Diavolaccio advanced amidst the most profound silence , and laid rita at the captain s feet . then every one could understand the cause of the unearthly pallor in the young girl and the bandit 達伏拉西奧在極端肅靜的氣氛中走前幾步,把麗達放到了土匪頭兒腳下,于是大家立刻明白了那年輕女子和那強盜面色慘白的原因了。

Second , there is the music and sound effects , which are inseparable from each other . it creates an eerie , unearthly feeling , unlike “ 2001 “ , which had traditional classical music 其次,本片的音樂及聲效是不可或缺的。它使人有一種怪異、神秘的感覺,而不像在《 2001 》里那樣,用上了傳統的音樂。

The sky above turned slowly from azure to the delicate blue - green of robin ' s egg , and the unearthly stillness of rural twilight came stealthily down about her 頭頂的天空也慢慢地從藍色轉變成淺淺的知更鳥蛋般的藍綠色,鄉間暮色神秘的寂靜悄悄來到她身邊。

Her appearance was altered , as i had told heathcliff ; but when she was calm , there seemed unearthly beauty in the change 正如我告訴過希刺克厲夫的一樣,她的外表是改變了但當她是寧靜的時候,在這種變化中仿佛具有非凡的美。

I would not - i could not - marry miss ingram . you - you strange , you almost unearthly thing ! - i love as my own flesh 你你這古怪的你這近乎是精靈的家伙我像愛我自己的肉體一樣愛你。

It was a long poem of six or seven hundred lines , and it was a fantastic , amazing , unearthly thing 那是一首六七百行的長詩,一部奇思逸想令人震驚不屬于人世的詩作。

Non - linear , mystical , and mounted by unearthly sounds that rattle the foundation of one family s existence 這些反革命部隊由列根政府支持,施行恐怖襲擊。

I cried , don t , for god s sake , stare as if you saw an unearthly vision 我叫, “看在上帝的面上,不要這么瞪著眼,好像是你看見了鬼似的。 ”

There glimmered the embroidered letter , with comfort in its unearthly ray 她胸前繡著的字母閃著的非凡的光輝,將溫暖舒適帶給他人。