
undiversified adj.沒有變化的,千篇一律的;單一的。


Professional sports newspapers in china mainly depend on football for making a living , having narrow reporting area , malign competition between fellow professionals , undiversified content development and business management , and impact of such media as the internet 我國體育專業報紙以足球為主,報道面過窄,同行之間惡性競爭,內容開發、經營管理單一以及受到互聯網等媒體的沖擊。

What is really going on here is that fis exploit the law of large numbers in their investments , whereas due to their small size , many household savers are constrained to holding relatively undiversified portfolios 這其實是金融中間人利用了他們投資金額的大量性,由于數額小許多獨立儲戶不得不購買相對多樣性小的有價證券。

In reality the majority of financial institution failures involve small fis that are reality undiversified productwise and geographically 事實上大多數小型金融中間機構的失敗都是因為它們產品的單一性和地理條件限制的原因。