
undistorted adj.1.未失真的。2.不偏激的,不極端的。


The development of private economy in western china is restricted by mentality , management , capital , market , technology , talent and private enterprises themselves , and to speed up their development , it is necessary to further free people from old ideas and change their mentality , regulate the administration of private enterprises by the government , establish a scientific system for administer private economy , and maintain an undistorted policy environment 摘要我國西部地區民營經濟發展存在觀念、管理、資金、市場、技術、人才和民營企業自身等因素的制約,加快西部地區民營經濟發展,需要進一步解放思想、轉變觀念,規范政府對民營企業的管理,建立科學的民營經濟管理體制,保持一個非扭曲的政策環境。

After about two years “ insisting and hard working , this goal set at the beginning has become true . the developed c54x general assembly program for g . 729 speech signal compressing algorithm has passed the tracking with more than 3 , 000 unitary standard measuring vectors . g . 729 speech signal compressing compiler using c54x general assembly program has been accomplished real - timely , and undistorted rebuilt speech signals have been obtained 因此本課題選用c54x的通用匯編語言編程實現g . 729語音壓縮編碼算法,調試并通過了統一標準測試矢量三千多幀,最終在5402開發實驗板上實時實現了g . 729語音壓縮編碼器,獲得未失真的重建語音信號。

Your birthright as the son of god , your birthright as the christ , your birthright as the undistorted perception of reality , the undistorted conscious experience of being , is certainly embraced and embodied in your being normal , your being who you are 你是上主之子,你是基督,你不受妄見扭曲的實相,你無染的實存,都是你的天賦權利,確實都存在于平凡無奇的你內。

The flow dynamic axis in the distorted models is smoother than that in the undistorted model , while the flow horizontal gradient in the distortion model is smaller than that in the undistorted model 在河工模型的條件下,選取不同變態模型,對環流進行了計算,研究了變率對彎道水流的相似的影響,并給出了初步分析。

Both the mind and the emotions cloud or distort our perception of what is outside with the information that they contain , whereas the intuition is capable of seeing things in an undivided and undistorted way 頭腦及情緒的訊息遮蓋或扭曲我們對外在的認知,直覺卻能看透事情的本質。

By sheer coincidence , a trio of earth - monitoring satellites gave modelers the pristine , undistorted wave heights they needed for the indian ocean tsunami 十分巧合的是,有一組地球觀測衛星提供了最原始且如實的海嘯波高值,這是模型設計師模擬印度洋海嘯時不可或缺的。

By the calculating of the distorted models and the undistorted model of the circumfluence , the effect of the distortion ration on the flow is analyzed 采用平面二維模型,在數學模型的基礎上,計算變率使河工模型彎道水流在相似性上產生的影響。

In character recognition , the distance between the undistorted surface of a document and a specified part of a printed character 在字符識別中,文卷未變形表面與打印字符的指定部分之間的距離。

This needs undistorted boundary data . thus , it is significant to realize 2 - d dwt in image processing efficiently 因此,在圖象處理中有效地實現二維離散小波變換具有重要的實際意義。